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Kalamazoo County records the 12th coronavirus death, close to 300 cases


Cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Kalamazoo-Kalamazoo County, Michigan, with an additional 12 reported on Sunday 26 April.

For the 11th consecutive day, the county experienced more than 11 increases.

According to Dharma data, a total of 292 and 12 deaths have occurred in Kalamazoo County, with 12 new cases and one death on Sunday. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Information on the county’s immediate death is not available at this time.

Relation: 41 new coronavirus deaths reported in Michigan, the lowest since March 29

In Kalamazoo, where no more than eight new cases were seen before April 16, when the double-digit surge began, April 15 had only 104 cases.

The county experienced the best of the day 37 new cases reported on April 24.

Kalamazoo County recently had a test Rolling test site has begun its journey Tested hundreds in the last two weeks through the community. It is considered to be one of the reasons for the increase in positive cases.

More than 300 patients will be tested in a parking lot at Kalamazoo Roynolics High School on Thursday April 23, Family Health Center CEO Dennis Crawford told MLive.

The following rolling sites are open from 8am to 4pm. Parking for the Kalamazoo Regional Education Authority at 1819 E Milham Ave in Portage on Thursday, April 30th.

Crawford said the tests are open to all community members, free of charge, regardless of whether they have been a Family Health Center patient or have a major healthcare provider in the past.

Individuals wishing to take the test must first call the center by calling 269-488-0804 to undergo a pre-test evaluation and assessment to determine if it is appropriate to test.

According to the County Department of Health, for each confirmed case of COVID-19, the most people are affected by the disease between the ages of 40 and 49, accounting for 16.8% of all cases across the county.

The group aged 30-39 makes up 16.5% and the group aged 20-29 makes up 15.5%. 54% of women in the county are women.

According to county data, black residents account for 34% of all confirmed cases in Kalamazoo County, but according to the latest census data, they account for less than 12% of the county’s total population.

according to Local Municipal Breakdown of Kalamazoo County Incident, 64% of cases are in the cities of Kalamazoo and Portage, 25% are in the western part of the county, and 11% are in the eastern part.

The average age of residents of Kalamazoo County who died of COVID-19 is 80 years. About 11 percent of confirmed cases throughout the county are patients over the age of 80.

Bronson Healthcare reports that 30 patients are currently positive for COVID-19, with 17 in the Bronson Methodist and 13 in the Bronson Battle Creek, according to data posted on Friday by hospital officials. doing.

According to hospital officials, 50 patients recovered from COVID-19 within the Bronson hospital system.

Nearby, Berlin County reported two deaths on Sunday, a total of 215 cases and 14 deaths. Calhoun County reported 11 new cases on Sunday. There are currently 202 reports and 10 deaths in the county.

There are 575 new positive cases of COVID-19 reported by MDHHS on Sunday throughout the state, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases around the state to 37,778. As state-wide data show, there were 41 new deaths from COVID-19 reported on Sunday, with deaths increasing to 3,315.

Relating: 41 new coronavirus deaths reported in Michigan, the lowest since March 29

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