Studies suggest that older adults are more useful than younger adults
The results of a new study from the University of Birmingham suggest that older adults are willing to work hard to help others compared to younger adults.
The results of this study were published in the journal “Psychological Science”.
The study, led by researchers at the College of Psychology, first showed how “prosocial” behavior aimed at benefiting others changes as people grow older. Thing. In particular, we focused on the willingness of people to make physical efforts rather than giving them money or time. Because attitudes towards both of these are known to change with age.
In this study, the research team tested a group of 95 adults aged 18-36 years and a group of 92 adults aged 55-85 years. Each participant made 150 choices about whether to grip the handheld dynamometer, which is a device for measuring grip strength or force, and determined grip strength at six different levels.
Prior to the experiment, the researchers measured the maximum grip strength of each person, so they could ensure that the effort people had to make was the same for everyone and not affected by their strength. It was.
With each decision, participants were informed whether they would work to make money for themselves or to make money for others. First, they were asked to decide if they were willing to work hard to make money. If they accepted the offer, they had to hold firmly enough to make money.
The result is that when work is easy, young and older adults are willing to work for others as well, but when work is harder, older adults are willing to help others. Was willing to work for. In contrast, young adults were more selfish and were much more likely to make higher levels of effort to benefit themselves.
The team also found a correlation between their willingness to focus on tasks that benefit others and their positive feelings towards others. However, it was only young people that this sense of “warm brilliance” was also associated with completing their own tasks.
Senior author Dr. Matthew Apps explains: “Past studies have shown that older people are more sociable than younger adults because they donate more to charity, but as they get older, the amount and time available changes significantly, so older people One may look more sociable. We wanted to focus on the willingness of those who strive on behalf of someone else. This depends on your wealth and the time available. Because it shouldn’t be. Our results showed participants very clearly. In our older age group, they couldn’t get significant financial rewards for themselves. Even so, I was more likely to work harder for others. “
Lead author Patricia Lockwood said, “Many studies focus on the negative changes that occur as people grow older. We show that aging also has positive benefits. These “prosocial behaviors” are very important for social cohesion. To predict the impact of an aging society, it is important to understand how prosocial behavior changes as people grow older. (ANI)
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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