Second wave by Ravi Andrew-Sr nephrologist at COVID-19 Apollo Hospital
Human history has taught us that there are three waves in every virus pandemic, including plague, H1N1, and the Spanish flu. The first wave captures the general public and initiates non-pharmacological interventions in social distance, masks, hygiene, and blockades. Pharmacological interventions have also been strengthened. This temporarily slows down the pandemic. When the situation improves for social and economic reasons, the blockade is eased and people return to normal life. Social distance recommendations are ignored and people downplay hygiene and masking regulations.
This leads to a sudden eruption when it causes a second wave. The virus also produces smarter, more evolved, more toxic and resistant strains. This makes the second wave much more destructive than the first wave. The third wave occurs after vaccination and herd immunity have been achieved. Much calmer than the first two waves. People who are poorly vaccinated or immunocompromised form most of the third wave. The third wave is usually more economical and has less medical impact.
The COVID-19 pandemic has already followed the three-wave pattern above, and unless humanity acts wisely and rationally, we are all facing catastrophic consequences.
The average person has little technical knowledge of the effects of the COVID-19 virus and the second wave, so here are some answers to the top 10 frequently asked questions.
Why is the infection rate high in the second wave?
After the first wave has passed, the blockade is lifted and people have a false sense of security. They return to pre-pandemic behavior, pay attention to the wind, and allow the virus to spread more quickly. Educational and commercial facilities have been opened. Religious and social congregations are held. Political rallies and elections are held. This exposes more people to the virus and improves its spread efficiency. In addition to this, the virus begins to evolve, mutates and forms new strains.
What are the characteristics of the new strain of coronavirus?
There are multiple strains (or variants) of the recently identified coronavirus. British variant, South African variant, Brazilian variant, and Indian variant. The Indian variant is a virus with a double mutation, while the other variants have undergone a single mutation. A common feature of all these new strains is their rapid growth. They are more infectious and more toxic. They are equipped with better equipment to trick the human immune system and avoid it. There are also various symptoms.
Are vaccinated people still susceptible to infection? If yes, how long is it?
Even the best vaccines do not provide 100% protection. Studies show that most COVID vaccines have an earned run average of about 70%. This means that if 100 people are vaccinated, only 70 will be protected and 30 will still be susceptible to infection. Even 70 “protected” people can become infected if exposed frequently (like healthcare professionals), but it is much milder. As the virus evolves and new variants emerge, this 70% protection is further reduced. In fact, vaccines need to evolve themselves to protect them from a variety of new variants. Designing different vaccines for different strains is not really feasible. Current estimates are that the vaccine can protect one for 12 months. After that, repeated doses of the vaccine or booster immunization may be required. Therefore, vaccination will never give you complete protection from COVID.
What are the new symptoms observed?
In the first wave, the symptoms were mainly respiratory with cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and runny nose. This is because the virus has invaded the body through the respiratory system. New variants can also enter the body through the gastrointestinal system. Therefore, loose movements, vomiting, and abdominal pain are more often reported. Some patients have a single symptom, such as fever, body aches, malaise, and weakness. Frighteningly, some patients come to the hospital with heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and kidney disease as their first symptoms. Other related symptoms such as loss of odor, loss of taste, and red eye remain common to both waves. Some individuals are completely asymptomatic and remain asymptomatic.
When is the second COVID wave likely to fall?
It is speculated that the second wave will last 3 to 6 months. This is provided provided that all appropriate measures are followed by people and authorities.
Are children prone to COVID?
Children are more susceptible to respiratory viral infections because their immune system is immature and they are in close contact during play. It is also susceptible to COVID 19 infection and can become a superspreader. Fortunately, they have a milder illness and recover faster. Unlike adults, there is less residual damage to the lungs and other organs.
Do drugs and vaccinations differ for different strains?
No. Treatment options and vaccinations are the same for all strains.
Are there any changes to the quarantine / isolation rules for different strains?
The rules for quarantine and quarantine remain the same regardless of the strain of the virus. It is recommended to isolate for 14 days from the onset of symptoms or a positive RTPCR COVID test (if asymptomatic). You also need to keep yourself free of fever for at least 7 days before you can isolate yourself.
Is there a gender prejudice against being infected with a new strain?
No. There is no gender prejudice. People of both genders are equally vulnerable to infection by new strains.
What advice should I give to the general public?
Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Follow social vaccinations as well as social distance, masking, hand disinfection, self and environmental disinfection. Keep your surroundings clean. Avoid or minimize social gatherings. Stay healthy by changing your lifestyle. Don’t believe false explanations on social media. Above all, he has a positive attitude. The war is still going on, but if we all work together, we can win the war.
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