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Nurses die of coronavirus after being “rejected” by the COVID-19 test


Her daughter alleged that US medical workers died after being denied four coronavirus tests.

Deborah Gatewood retired from a phlebotomist at a Detroit hospital just two years ago. NBC News report.

However, the 63-year-old died on April 17 after being infected with COVID-19. Her daughter, Kayla Corazers, believes her condition has been repeatedly ignored at Beaumont Hospital, Michigan, where she has been working for 30 years.

The hospital said Local fox news station“When a patient comes to Beaumont for care during this pandemic, we do everything we can to evaluate, triage, and care for the patient, based on what we know at the time. We mourn the loss of patients due to COVID-19 or other illnesses. “

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Ms. Colossus said her mother began driving to a hospital in mid-March, where she was tested and asked for a test, which began to show symptoms.

Gatewood visited the emergency department four times, was told to return home and rest each time, and was prescribed only cough medicine. Colossus said he knew this because his mother put a mark on the calendar each time he entered.

“They said they weren’t serious enough to help them test her,” Corrothers said.

On March 27, 10 days after Ms. Gatewood was first asked to test for COVID-19, Ms. Colossus went to her mother’s house and found she was unresponsive in bed.

She tried to get her in the car to drive to the hospital, but said she fell and was forced to call an ambulance for help.

This time she was taken to Sinai Grace Hospital where she was tested for the virus and tested positive.

But two weeks later-after struggling with a very high fever and being intubated and developing bilateral pneumonia-Mr. Gatewood’s organs failed.

On April 20, she was sentenced to a tragic death.

“The fact that she worked for 31 years and got infected so that her family couldn’t take care of her means Beaumont. That’s sad,” Ms Corrothers told Fox. . “I’m disappointed to say the least.”

The US is one of the most affected places in COVID-19, Australia currently records over 6700 confirmed casesIncludes 3002 in New South Wales, 1349 in Victoria, 1030 in Queensland, 438 in South Australia, 549 in Western Australia, 212 in Tasmania, 106 in the Australian Capital Territory, and 28 in the Northern Territory. 83 deaths have been recorded nationwide.

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