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Mayo Clinic teams with dozens of healthcare providers in vaccination advertising campaigns


While the language is spoken, black-and-white newsreel footage includes symbolic images of shared sacrifices, the hoisting of the American flag on Iwo Jima, an enlistment parade, salutes to children, and wartime manufacturing efforts. I’m drawing a video of the Greatest Generation.

In addition, these same wartime images soon transitioned to the present, with Pacific GI and vaccinated health care workers’ shielded faces and various masked vaccinated faces. Shows a comparison with Americans.

This is a patriotic montage of the national campaign starting Tuesday, April 20th, which includes printed matter, digital and social media.

“As a healthcare provider, our mission is to protect people’s health,” continues the new vaccination spot. “To heal their bodies and not harm them … the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. Take it.”

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Unprecedented, multi-platform Advertising campaign to encourage vaccination Created by the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic, it is financially backed by 58 healthcare providers nationwide.

“If you have any questions, we ask you to talk to your healthcare provider before getting vaccinated.” Gianrico Farrugia, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mayo Clinic. “Vaccines are our strongest asset in ending a pandemic. We highly recommend it to anyone who is eligible to get the first vaccine provided to save lives.”

“The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and highly effective and offers the best hope for defeating the disease,” he said. Tom Miharjevic, MD, CEO and President of Cleveland Clinic. “I hope to return to my pre-COVID routine once I can safely meet with my family and friends again. To reach that goal, I need to improve vaccination rates to achieve herd immunity. Yes, we are all, so sign up today. Now together. “

According to Molly Biwer, chair of marketing, brand strategy, advertising and creative studios at May York Clinic, this effort requires “strong media purchases” and “national daily newspapers, national broadcasts, TikTok, Instagram, We also received support from our flagship assets, Google, YouTube and Facebook.

This was the second time that the first and second largest healthcare systems in the country had come together to promote a shared message, and the first was to promote wearing masks during the holidays. This reflects the final test of the pandemic.

Now that the public has finally gained easy access to the COVID-19 vaccine, 39% of the population who opposes or completely opposes vaccination is in the spotlight.

There are many people.

Study: Vaccine skeptics are local, Republican

If the study is correct, using a healthcare provider rather than a healthcare professional or politician to provide a pre-vaccination message will unleash a powerful and compelling asset.

by Continued research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 79% of Americans surveyed say they are more likely to rely on their healthcare provider when deciding whether to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

This is more credible to this question than the general public puts in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (60%), their family or friends (58%), public health (57%), or mental leaders. its big.

“We felt that our voice was very important to the conversation and was completely apolitic,” Biue said. “To unite as an industry and play our part in protecting the future of humanity.” Biwar said vaccine-hating citizens are becoming the main focus.

“Many people are eager to get vaccinated, but a significant portion of the population hopes that this campaign will change the course, be uncertain and need more persuasiveness. Herd immunity cannot be achieved without the persuasion. Vaccines. “

According to Kaiser’s research, concerns about side effects are cited by skeptics as the number one reason for their hesitation. It is shared by 70% of people who do not try to take a shot as soon as possible.

Other concerns include that the vaccine is less effective than the disease (63%), the fear of vaccination required (63%), and the need to miss work to recover. Thirty-nine percent of the skeptics surveyed in the Kaiser Report were afraid that vaccination could lead to COVID-19.

A significant proportion of Americans say they are confident they will not be vaccinated. Of the 13% of the general population and 21% of the rural population who said they would never be vaccinated, less than 10% said they depended on the message that the vaccine was very effective.

Medium and very low single-digit percentages of those who said they could be subject to free costs, long-term technology research, and discussions about the potential long-term harm of COVID-19. It has dropped to. ..

Interestingly, hearing that the majority of doctors received the dose was marked as meaningful for only 3% of the doctors surveyed in this highly skeptical group.

As of late March this year, a survey of 11,000 members found that the Republicans surveyed were far more likely to oppose vaccination. Republicans who strongly opposed were recorded at nearly 30%, compared to 9% for Independents and 5% for Democrats.

Add people who are on the fence but not fixed in their view, and 54% or more than half of the participants identified in the GOP surveyed are not immediately vaccinated on their first chance. said.

Rural residents have increased access to the vaccine in the early weeks of deployment, but one-third say they only get it when needed (9%) or not at all (21%). .. This is 10 percentage points higher than suburban residents and twice as high as city residents.

In other words, 15% of rural residents say they are taking a wait-and-see approach, and nearly half (45%) of residents in small towns and farmlands are currently on the sidelines.

“The campaign really aimed at skeptical adults,” said Bewer. “Men and women over the age of 18 are hesitant to vaccinate … Vaccination is an act of compassion and compassion for others, for its greater benefit. We are safe for you. Hope to be … and make sure your loved ones around you are safe. Part of it is getting a vaccine, which is an absolute act of compassion and compassion. is.”

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