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Coronavirus can live in the eye for 20 days longer than in the nose: a study


A new study from one of the earliest patients with COVID-19 suggests that the virus lasts longer in her nose than in her eyes. by Research letter Published in Internal Medicine Annual Report, A 65-year-old Italian woman traveled to Italy from Wuhan, the first epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, on January 29th.

It supports the general knowledge of following the already tested methods of preventing viruses. To prevent getting sick, it is important to wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

Cases where coronavirus is detected in the eyes of an infected patient in Italy may give people who are not careful to wash their hands and not to touch their face an awakening call to follow these habits.

The patient was put on an additional swab, which shows that the virus is replicating. This means that the trace coronavirus found in her eyes is contagious.

Apparently the virus could Detected in patient’s eyes for up to 20 days. At that point it seemed gone, but unfortunately it reappeared a week later.

Researchers have stated that person-to-person transmission of the virus usually occurs through respiratory droplets. However, other pathways such as the eye are still under investigation as SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in some liquids.

They added that COVID-19 patients’ eye fluids may contain infectious viruses, suggesting that they may be a source of infection. Their study emphasizes the importance of frequent handwashing and control measures such as nose, mouth and eye contact.

In addition, wearing personal protective equipment when examining a patient also emphasizes the importance of the optician. Mucous membrane of the eye Virus entry site Virus transmission route.

Researchers should try to find out which eye cells allow coronavirus replication.

Also read: COVID-19 Patients Have Lost Life An Average of 13 Years: Study

The woman under study was isolated at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Lazarus Palanzani, Italy, in Rome. She reports symptoms typical of infected coronavirus patients, such as a dry cough, sore throat, and inflamed nostrils, conjunctivitis In both eyes.

Occasionally, conjunctivitis has been reported among the symptoms of COVID-19. This is similar to infections caused by other coronaviruses that have previously infected humans. For example, another member of the Greater Coronavirus family in 2003 was associated with eye moisture, which was likely to be caught by healthcare workers in the virus that causes SARS.

The researchers cited earlier epidemics of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that the eyes could also carry the coronavirus.

Conjunctivitis is common in patients with upper respiratory illness. Interview with Dr. Joshua Barros of Boston University School of Medicine Newsweek. Because the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs are connected, even common viruses can cause symptoms in these places.

Barocas added that for some time the evidence is still insufficient to say that scientists say that conjunctivitis is completely consistent with COVID-19 infections. But this could certainly be a symptom of COVID-19 patients.

read more: Trying to “flatten the curve” could be the worst way to combat the COVID-19 pandemic: a study

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