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Ultraviolet light emitted in the trachea was able to “eradicate” viruses and bacteria


COVID-19 Continues Trial on New Therapeutic Uses of UV Light to Reduce Mortality in Patients

A new medical technology that emits ultraviolet light into the body may be used as a treatment to eradicate “a wide range of viruses and bacteria, including coronaviruses,” the report said. release Monday, April 20th.

Just as the sun can kill a specific pathogen directly through its UV light, so can devices that utilize the same spectrum.

Pharmaceutical company Aytu BioScience Is currently testing a “Healight,” a medical device that emits intermittent ultraviolet (UV-A) radiation into the patient’s trachea. It is intended to involve respiratory virus intervention, which “may have a positive impact on the outcome of patients with severe coronavirus infections and severe respiratory infections,” the publication said.

Therapies were developed by a research team in the Medical Science and Technology (MAST) Program. Sugi Sinai Medical center. They are currently working with Aytu BioScience and the FDA to facilitate regulatory processes for short-term use of the technology.

In the same week as this announcement, the White House also published findings supporting the use of UV light to eradicate the virus.

Between Coronavirus Countermeasures Information Session Chief of Science and Technology at the White House on Thursday 23 April Bill Bryan Shared data for the Department of Homeland Security claiming strong effects of sunlight and UV rays on viruses such as SARS and CoV-2, especially when they are on non-porous surfaces such as door handles and stainless steel. He said that increased heat and humidity were also shown to reduce the virus’s half-life.

“The virus dies fastest in its immediate presence sunlightBrian added. “Very big difference when exposed to UV rays.”

Epoch Times Photo
(G_O_S / Shutterstock)

With the development of Healight, this new type of treatment is now approaching reality.

The technology has been developed since 2016, and the increasing body of scientific data demonstrates the preclinical safety and efficacy of the technology as an antibacterial treatment. The FDA is examining the data and looking for ways to make it available to humans for patients intubated in the intensive care unit.

Healight promises broader applications “over the range of viral and bacterial pathogens”. Release status also includes bacteria associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Epoch Times Photo
(Gorodenkov / Shutterstock)

“Our team has shown that by managing a specific spectrum of UV-A light, we can eradicate viruses and bacteria in infected human cells (including coronaviruses) while maintaining healthy cells. “Dr. Pimentel, executive director of MAST at Cedars-Sinai.

Dr. Ari Rezaie, one of the inventors of Healight, said: Based on our findings, we believe that this therapeutic approach can have a significant impact on the high morbidity and mortality of patients infected with coronavirus and other respiratory pathogens. We look forward to partnering with Aytu BioScience to advance this technology for the benefit of patients worldwide. “

Fighting the epidemic

Fighting Infectious Diseases: Dr. Mehmet Oz says it could help with a clean-up system in UV-crowded spaces during the Wuhan virus pandemic. # KAG2020 # AmericaFirst # Dobbs

تمالن شربواسطةLou Dobbsفي الجمعة, ٢٤ أبريل ٢٠٢٠

Aytu BioScience licenses the exclusive global rights to the Healight platform from Cedars Sinai for all endotracheal and nasopharyngeal conditions.

“We are honored to partner with Cedars-Sinai because we believe the Healight treatment platform may help many patients after this coronavirus pandemic,” said Josh Disbrow, CEO of Aytu BioScience.

“This first-in-class technology could be a breakthrough for clinicians treating patients infected with coronaviruses and other respiratory disorders, and our team worked with the Cedars Sinai team. We are enthusiastically determining the safety and effectiveness of this device on humans. “


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