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New COVID Variants Found, Local Vaccine Reservation Available | Free Share

New COVID Variants Found, Local Vaccine Reservation Available | Free Share


The new COVID-19 variant found at College Station is the Texas version of the UK variant, a Texas A & M researcher who discovered the new variant announced this week.

Ben Neumann, chief virologist at the Texas A & M Global Health Research Complex, said in a statement, “At this time, the full importance of this mutant is unknown, but like any other internationally noticeable mutant. There is a combination of mutations in. ” “This mutant combines genetic markers that are individually associated with rapid spread, serious disease, and high resistance to neutralizing antibodies.”

Scientists have found no more cases of College Station variants. He said the presentation was only based on gene sequence analysis done in the lab.

The variant is called the Brazos Valley BV-1.

A & M scientists found a variant in a saliva swab test from off-campus students and tested positive on March 5. Student sample BV-1 was positive on March 25th, but negative on April 9th. I had a mild cold-like symptom, but it was cured in about a month.

This discovery is part of an A & M program that sequences mild COVID cases to discover when mutations form before they cause severe cases. Some COVID-19 variants have become well known, but there are thousands of them, each officially named with a long sequence of letters, numbers, dashes, and slashes.

For those wishing to be vaccinated, the Brazoria County Health Department had numerous appointments available at Alban, Angleton, Lake Jackson, and Pearland clinics as of Tuesday afternoon. People can register for vaccine reservations at Registration can also be done by phone at Alvin Clinic (281-585-3024), Angleton (979-864-1484), Lake Jackson (979-265-4446) and Pearland (281-485-5344).

According to the county’s daily update on Tuesday, Brazoria County had 60 new COVID cases and 87 recovery. There were 19 possible cases, one of which was moved from the county.

There were 17 cases in Pearland, 9 cases in Alban, 4 cases in Mambel, 3 cases in Iowa Colony, 2 cases each in Angleton and Sweeney, and 1 case each in Freeport, Jones Creek, Lake Jackson and Richwood. ..

Beyond the age group, there were 14 cases in their 30s, 6 cases in their 20s and 40s, 5 cases in their 10s to 19 years, 4 cases in children under 9 years old, and 3 cases and 2 cases in their 50s. Between people in their 60s and people in their 70s.

Possible cases describe people who show COVID symptoms and are associated with others who have been tested positive for the virus, usually by living in the same household. The definition of possible cases also includes cases where antigen testing provided presumptive test evidence of infection, regardless of whether the person was eligible for close contact.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms such as fever and cough, which heals in a few weeks. For some people, especially the elderly and those with existing health problems, it can cause more serious illnesses such as pneumonia and death. The majority of people will recover.

Wes Wolfe is a reporter for The Facts. Please contact him at 979-237-0152.


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