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According to Johns Hopkins doctors, the United States has reached the “very high plateau” of 30,000 new cases of coronavirus, killing 2K people a day.


Some states Coronavirus Dr Pandemic, director of the Center for Health and Safety at Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, said companies that chose to reopen would understand the potential risks associated with their decisions and plan to mitigate those risks. I warned that I need to stand. The best they can do.

“If we relax measures to reduce social distances and the economy reopens very cautiously, we risk the disease recurring or rising,” Ingressby said. “Even if we start to open again, we all need to recognize that there is a clear opportunity for an increase in incidents in the states that do it.”

WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 6: Dr. Tom Inglesby, Director of Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, discusses the development of a new coronavirus, also known as medical COVID-19, March 6, 2020. Research staff at Johns Hopkins University in Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. Johns Hopkins is at the forefront of coronavirus research and has developed an outbreak map dashboard that authorities around the world use to track the virus. (Photo: Samuel Corum / Getty Images)

It’s important to remember that “whenever we’re out there, the virus stays with us until a vaccine is available,” he said, so states can be admitted to hospitals, ICU rates, and deaths. Factors such as rate should be carefully monitored. Business will resume.

Inglesby says that small companies are less risky than large companies, but they are still cautious in places where the chances of infecting the community are very low. Companies that rely on close interaction are encouraged to use personal protective equipment. He also said the state’s individual coronavirus testing status is an important factor for companies to consider.

“Many companies are really starting to think about how diagnostics will be integrated into their resumption plans, and there’s no large-scale availability of diagnostic tests for companies,” said Ingressby. “We still focus on diagnosing sick people, nursing homes and health care workers. This is perfectly appropriate, but only a small fraction of the number of people that need to be tested to actually find everything. I’ll get sick and move the economy in the right direction again. “

Currently, the United States tests about 150,000 people per day on average. The World Health Organization’s appropriate test benchmark has a positive rate of about 10%, about 10% lower than the current US test rate.

According to Inglesby, the main problem with current coronavirus testing is that it does not test people with mild or moderate cases who are not ill enough to be hospitalized.

“Everyone misses many of the country’s illnesses because they aren’t counted and aren’t tracked down to their contact or told to quarantine in their own homes,” Ingressby said. Said. “We will continue to have invisible transmission lines until we can control it.”

Harvard University Report To ensure a safe resumption, at least 5 million tests per day are required by early June, and 20 million per day to fully reopen and keep the U.S. economy open. It is estimated that more will need to be tested.

Researchers say that such a program would require approximately $ 50-300 billion in funding over a two-year period, and at a cost, but if the country remains in mass quarantine, it will cost $ 100-350 billion each month. He said it would be a better alternative than the economic cost of the dollar.

Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday’s radio show “Gerald of Cleveland” that the country expects “the epidemic to be widespread” by Memorial Day weekend, but Ingressby said Argued that it is unlikely to reopen. By then, coronavirus cases were still on the rise, and as only five states are now within the administrative reopening guidelines, the states identified a two-week downward trend in coronavirus symptoms and locked down. States that the case needs to be documented before it can be alleviated.

“By state, you can see it in about half of the country, but the number is increasing every day and seems to level off in about a third of the country, which is only in the minority of the country. In fact, that number is decreasing daily, “said Inglesby. “So I don’t think we’re likely to be in that position by Memorial Day.”

According to Inglesby, there are approximately 30,000 new cases of coronavirus nationwide in the United States, with approximately 2,000 people reaching the “very high plateau” per day.

While the model may change depending on the state and how ready the company is for resumption, major coronavirus models predict deaths in the US of 58,000 to 110,000 next month. .

According to the latest update from Johns Hopkins University, there are now more than 940,000 confirmed coronaviruses in the United States, with more than 54,000 deaths.

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