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NC Coronavirus Update April 21: Pediatrician working with local high school to vaccinate teens with COVID-19


Raleigh, NC (WTVD)-The latest updates are: COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection), A disease caused by a new coronavirus in North Carolina.

6:20 am

Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible for vaccination, and there is a growing demand for teens to be vaccinated.

Chapel Hill Pediatrics works with local high schools to encourage juniors and seniors to be vaccinated.

“They are increasingly infected with the virus, many of whom are hospitalized or infected with severe COVID, so we are at risk, yes, with severe illness. I’m trying to spread the word easy, so I want to change the idea that they are invincible and not infected with viruses. “

The Pfizer vaccine is currently the only vaccine approved for ages 16 and 17.

Wednesday morning heading
Governor Roy Cooper will provide the latest information on the COVID-19 pandemic today at 2:00 pm.

Cooper’s announcement will be made when the state’s hospitalization reaches its highest point in a month.

Meanwhile, Wake County Public School will announce today its graduation plan for this year.The announcement is scheduled for 1 pm

Yesterday, the school district confirmed that the virtual academy would be an option for parents and students in the next school year.

Vaccination continues to move forward throughout the country. More than half of all adults are vaccinated at least partially.

The first drive-through vaccination clinic is being held today in Johnston County. No reservation is required. The clinic begins at 8am at West Johnston High School in Benson.

8:15 pm
The Wake County Board of Education approved the Virtual Academy from 2021 to 22.

The board approved the plan on Tuesday. The academy serves students from kindergarten to high school and has individual virtual learning options for pre-kindergarten students.

The registration window will open on Thursday, April 22nd and close on May 2nd.

For more information Here..

2:28 pm
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has reported 1,200 new cases, for a total of 950,566 cases, since the pandemic began.

The number of cases is the lowest in 2 weeks. The positive rate of the test is 7.4%, which is higher than the 5% range where NCDHHS wants to be lower than the same time a week ago.

A total of 74 people will be hospitalized, bringing the total to 1,170. This is the first time that hospitalization has exceeded 1,100 a month (from March 9, 1,147).

An additional 19 deaths were reported on Monday, killing a total of 12,437 people across the state.

About 37% of the state’s population is partially vaccinated and about 27% of the population is fully vaccinated.

1:58 pm
The Halifax County Health Department has reported four new cases, for a total of 5,412 positive COVID 19 cases. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 108 people have died throughout the county.

11:10 am
COVID-19 vaccine booster shot You may not need it after all.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Monica Gandhi is studying Pfizer’s preliminary data released this month. She said no breakthrough infections have been reported since the first vaccine trials began almost 10 months ago.

“Anyone who received the vaccine during the trial actually received the vaccine in July 2020,” she said. “Even in the surge, we don’t see any breakthrough infections.”

As a result, the vaccine could protect people from the virus for more than a year, she said. only time will tell.

9:31 am

Duke University’s COVID-19 Test and Contact Tracing Program conducted 18,504 tests for 9,951 students and 2,190 tests for 1,125 faculty and staff during the period April 12-18, for a total of 26 affirmations. Results were obtained. The total positive rate was 0.13 percent.

7:20 am
Local doctors have discontinued treatment for COVID-19.

Physicians at Cape Fear Valley Health participated in a clinical trial to treat people in the early stages of coronavirus infection using convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients.

However, the data collected from that trial show that treatment does not make a significant difference to patients.

Therefore, Capefear Valley Health doctors said they would try some other more promising treatments.

Tuesday morning heading
From noon, Wheels Fun Park on North Hoover Road in Durham will distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to the adults who appear.

No reservation required.

This is because FEMA has announced that it has vaccinated more than 100,000 people at the Greensboro mass vaccination site. The site opened on March 10th at the Four Season Town Center.

Today, the North Carolina House of Representatives will vote final on a bill that will give tax deductions to federal funds received during a pandemic.

Companies now have to pay taxes on payroll program loans. If the bill is passed, those taxes will be eliminated.

If you get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says you need to monitor yourself for new symptoms.

Symptoms to watch out for include headache, back pain, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower limbs, bruising, or bruising.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Copyright © 2021 WTV D-TV. all rights reserved.


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