How to protect from 4 different face masks and COVID-19
We all need to get used to the new normal brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. This includes wearing face masks when social distances are difficult to measure, such as in grocery stores and pharmacies, especially in areas with high community-based infections.
Although discussions on high-volume use of face masks as a means to prevent COVID-19 infection are still ongoing, the Inter-agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases Control (IATF-EID) has made it a requirement. Some of the Enhanced Community Quarantines (ECQs) say “Every time an individual leaves, they wear face masks, earloop masks, indigenous people, reusable or self-made masks, face shields, handkerchiefs, or other protective equipment. The policy is to “wear them.” His or her residence.
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However, not all face masks are the same. There are advantages and disadvantages for each type. The following are four locally available types and guidelines for their use.
N95 mask
This is a protective device designed to fit your face snugly and efficiently filter airborne particles. The ends of the ventilator are designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth. The N95 ventilator has been tested for fluid resistance, bacterial filtration efficiency, particle filtration efficiency, breathability, and flammability. The reason it is called N95 is because the ventilator blocks at least 95% of very small (0.3 micron) test particles. When properly worn, the filtration capacity of the N95 respirator exceeds that of a regular face mask. However, keep in mind that a properly fitted N95 mask may not completely eliminate all risks.
Usage guidelines: Ideally, the N95 ventilator should generate an aerosol and then dispose of it each time a patient encounters it. If it is damaged or deformed, it must be discarded. It no longer forms an effective seal over your face. Wet or obviously dirty. Breathing becomes difficult. Or if it is contaminated with the patient’s blood, respiratory, nasal discharge or other body fluids. As recommended by current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, N95 is an important supply that must continue to be reserved for health care workers and other healthcare first responders.
surgical mask
Also known as an isolation mask, dental mask, or medical mask, it is a loose, disposable device that creates a physical barrier between the wearer’s mouth and nose, creating potential contaminants in the surrounding area. Like N95, it has been tested for fluid resistance, filtration efficiency, flammability, biocompatibility, is made in different thicknesses, and is protected against different levels of liquid. These characteristics can also affect the ease of breathing through the face mask and the degree of protection provided by the surgical mask. When properly worn, surgical masks are intended to block droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter of large particles that may contain bacteria (viruses or bacteria) and prevent them from reaching your mouth or nose. I am. Surgical masks also help reduce the exposure of saliva and respiratory secretions to others. Surgical masks are effective at blocking splashes and droplets of large particles, while face masks are by design very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or certain medical procedures. Does not filter or block. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from bacteria and other contaminants due to the loose clearance between the face mask surface and the face.
Usage guidelines: Surgical masks cannot be shared. It cannot be used more than once. If the mask is damaged or dirty, or if you find it difficult to breathe through the mask, you should remove the face mask and safely dispose of it and replace it with a new one. To safely dispose of the mask, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash. Wash your hands after handling a used mask.
Cloth mask
As the name implies, these masks are made of cloth or cloth, so their effect depends mainly on the type of material used, the design and construction, or how they are combined. The CDC recommends the use of simple cloth surface covers to slow the spread of the virus and prevent potentially infected people from infecting others. CDC provided simple instructions on how to make a DIY cloth mask.
Usage guidelines: A fabric mask fits snugly, but it should fit comfortably on the sides of your face. Secured with ties or ear loops. Includes multiple layers of fabric. Allow breathing without restriction. It can be machine dried without washing, damaging or changing its shape. Do not put a cloth face cover on infants under the age of 2, who have breathing problems, are unconscious, helpless, or who cannot remove the mask without assistance.
REwear face mask
Using water repellent fiber processing technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology-Philippines Institute of Textiles (DOST-PTRI) provides a special cloth mask that can provide protection against particulate matter (PM) or microscopic particles present in the air. Was developed. As a protection, cloth masks, especially those made of cotton, usually absorb droplets unless a finishing step is applied. The finishing procedure involves applying the silane compound. It is prepared into a nanosol or solution that is applied to natural fiber blends such as cotton fabrics. The water-repellent finish allows the droplets to slide off the REwear face mask. The REwear face mask is made up of 2 pieces of 3 to 4 layer masks, similar to a multilayer surgical mask. Fully removable, the first part (outer layer) is made of water-repellent cloth and the second part (inner layer) is made of absorbent cloth. Face masks can be washed up to 50 times, making them economical in the long run. They have also been rigorously tested for water repellency, toxicity, fluid resistance, bacterial filtration efficiency, particle filtration efficiency, breathability and flammability according to standard protocols.
Usage guidelines: This face mask is ideal protection for those who care for patients with respiratory infections. People visiting clinics and hospitals; food workers; public transport operating staff / drivers; people in crowded or poorly ventilated areas.
DOST-PTRI is asking for a donation of fabric for the production of REwear â„¢ face masks. Check this link to the FAQ.
Ministry of Science and Technology
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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