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NB reports 19 new COVID-19 cases, top doctors are “extremely concerned” about new variants-New Brunswick


New Brunswick reported 19 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. This is because the Chief Health Officer has stated that the new variant is causing concern and warns the Prime Minister to ignore public security protocols.

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Residents of a special nursing home in Grand Bay-Westfield relocated during the outbreak of COVID-19

At a press conference, Dr. Jennifer Russell was concerned about the existence of a variant of concern, with progress being made in Zone 4 (Edmanston region), while two outbreaks were declared in state special nursing homes. He said he was.

“These are very different from the strains before the mutants arrived,” she said.

She also repeatedly emphasized that the variant is worried. First discovered in India and now reported in Canada.

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Russell called on Newbrands Wickers to stand up a little longer as it takes about 10 weeks to deliver the vaccine to those who wish to receive the vaccine for the first time.

“We need to survive the next 10 weeks,” she said.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Brain Higgs told reporters that he was disappointed and wary of reports of people who did not comply with public security rules.

“These actions are dangerous and endanger others,” he said.

He reminded residents that the rules of self-isolation meant avoiding contact with family and others. People who require self-isolation due to travel or public health instructions should not be in the same room as others or share bathrooms or dishes.

Higgs added that he is concerned that not enough caregivers have chosen to be vaccinated, even though everyone is vaccinated. It is estimated that only 59% of long-term care staff are vaccinated, while 94% of residents are vaccinated at least once.

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Edmundston region struggling to shake off the latest outbreaks

Edmundston region struggling to shake off the latest outbreaks

He said the state was talking to each facility to encourage individual workers to be vaccinated in some cases.

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“They serve vulnerable people, so they need to protect themselves, and there is also a risk of infecting others in the community. This is what we are currently in this variant. I’m looking very carefully, “he said.

Approximately 20 New Brandswickers go there in response to Ontario’s medical assistance request as Higgs appreciates the efforts of healthcare professionals and Ontario is struggling to deal with the COVID-19 situation. He said he offered to do so.

The state also continues to encourage cross-border truck drivers to be vaccinated on a regular basis. The driver can make a reservation by calling the dedicated telephone line 1-833-724-0088.

Meanwhile, the number of cases in nearby Nova Scotia has skyrocketed, with 38 new cases reported.

The border between the two states has tightened from today as Nova Scotia restricts non-essential travel from outside PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Higgs told reporters that he was optimistic about the vaccination effort and that the Atlantic bubble was still “very realistic”, but the premiere was looking “late May” at this point. ..

Blockade, orange and yellow levels

The Zone 4 section, which includes Edmundston and the Upper Madawasca region, remains closed in accordance with state mandates.

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The communities of Saint Leonard, Grand Falls, Drummond, New Denmark and Four Falls are now Orange level..

All other zones and communities in the state, including the Saint-Quentin and Kedgwick areas of Zone 4, Yellow level..

Currently, there are 146 active cases and 34 deaths in the state. Fifteen people are hospitalized, including five in the intensive care unit.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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