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People with severe COVID-19 have longer-term effects, findings: Coronavirus renewalExBulletin

People with severe COVID-19 have longer-term effects, findings: Coronavirus renewalExBulletin


Intensive care unit nurse Subramanya Kirugulige prepares a bed for a COVID-19 patient who arrives at the Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago in December. According to a large study, people with early severe cases of COVID-19 tend to be at increased risk of more health problems later.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

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Scott Olson / Getty Images

Intensive care unit nurse Subramanya Kirugulige prepares a bed for a COVID-19 patient who arrives at the Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago in December. According to a large study, people with early severe cases of COVID-19 tend to be at increased risk of more health problems later.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

The potential persistent effects of COVID-19 infection are high, and people with more severe early infections are at increased risk of long-term complications. Research Published on Thursday Nature..

This study is considered to be the largest post-acute COVID-19 study to date, further highlighting the protracted effects of COVID-19 known as “long COVID”.

Ziyad Al-Aly and his colleagues used the US Department of Veterans Affairs database to investigate the health status of more than 73,000 people infected with COVID-19 and not hospitalized, and about 500 of the VA medical system. Compared to 10,000 users. Those who did not have COVID-19 and were not hospitalized.

Six months later, people infected with COVID-19 were found to be at increased risk of developing new heart disease, diabetes, mental disorders such as anxiety and depression, substance use disorders, and kidney disease. ..

Al-Aly, head of research and development services for VA St. Louis Healthcare Systems, said he was surprised at the sheer number and versatility of long COVID victims.

“We knew people had fatigue, we knew people had weaknesses, we knew about memory problems and brain fog. “He said. “But all in all, diabetes, heart problems, kidney problems, liver problems, stroke, brain fog, fatigue, anemia, depression and anxiety-and it’s actually quite unpleasant.”

It remains difficult for researchers to distinguish which effects are the direct consequences of the virus infection itself and which are indirect.

Some outcomes may be the result of inflammation caused by the virus, while others may be related to possible life changes associated with the disease. “If people are infected with COVID and have to stay home in quarantine, it is probably due to decreased physical activity, dietary changes, and other changes that can cause some of these clinical symptoms. It’s related, “said Alary. ..

The sequelae of COVID-19 were found in respiratory and nervous system disorders, mental health problems, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, malaise, malaise, musculoskeletal pain, and anemia. The authors also found an increasing use of therapeutic agents such as analgesics (such as opioids), antidepressants, and anxiolytics.

The authors also analyzed the health outcomes of more than 13,600 people admitted with COVID-19 and compared them with about 14,000 people admitted with influenza. They found that hospitalized COVID-19 survivors had an increased risk and scale of post-infection lung problems and other disorders compared to those hospitalized for seasonal influenza.

The findings do not suggest that everyone who receives COVID-19 has long-term health effects.

“Most people have no problems or consequences in the future. Probably one, two, three or four days will get sick. They get over the hump. They regain energy and cough. I’m out. I’m not short of breath, I’m not feverish, I feel better, “he says.

“But it is true that a few people, even mildly ill, are at high risk of developing some of the consequences described here. Therefore, the risk is not zero. It is small, but it is not. No. It’s a trivial matter. “

Given the veterans who use Veterans Affairs Healthcare, the subjects in this study distorted men. However, although about 88% of the VA population is male, the large scale of this study means that more than 8,800 women infected with COVID-19 are still included.

In the United States, there are at least 31 million confirmed cases of coronavirus. It is not exactly clear which part of the patient is experiencing the protracted symptoms, but Al-Aly says it is estimated to be 8-10%.

The point gained from this study is that healthcare systems need to be prepared for many people with long COVID-19 results.

“It really represents a significant burden on the healthcare system we need to prepare,” he says. “In a few years, if you have more people with diabetes or more people with heart disease, you shouldn’t really be surprised. You shouldn’t really be surprised. Get ready now. is needed. .”

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