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Swedish U.S. ambassador says Stockholm is close to coronavirus collective immunity despite questions about reinfection


Swedish Ambassador says the country’s capital Stockholm reaches immunity to a coronavirus herd within the next few weeks, despite the question of whether people who have recovered from COVID-19 are actually protected from a second infection Said there is a possibility.

Collective immunity means that the majority of the population has either recovered from an infectious disease or have been vaccinated to become immune to the infectious disease.

Karin Ulrika Olofsdotter, U.S. ambassador to Sweden, told NPR, “About 30% of people in Stockholm have reached some level of immunity. Can reach. “

How much of the population needs to be infected to achieve collective immunity depends on the disease. For COVID-19, the number is unknown, but it is estimated that at least 50-60% of the population needs to be infected.

There are no official blockades in Sweden and schools, restaurants and stores remain open during the pandemic. The government issued social distance guidelines and instructed citizens to avoid unnecessary trips. Visits to groups of 50 or more or care facilities are prohibited.

Authorities have forced five bars and restaurants in Stockholm to close because they failed to comply with social distance guidelines.

Olofsdotter said additional research and testing is needed to understand more about immunity COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection). She said the Swedish government would change its approach to tackling coronaviruses as needed.

Antibody test coronavirus
Healthcare professionals take blood from a patient to test for COVID-19 antibodies at the Dworska Hospital in Krakow, Poland
Omar Marques / Getty Images

There is currently no scientific evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 are protected from secondary infections. According to the World Health Organization, only a small fraction of the world’s population seems to have antibodies in their blood that indicate they are infected.

A study of 7,000 blood donors in the Netherlands also found that only 3% had antibodies, Reuters reported.

“So far COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) No second infection will occur. ” Science briefs Published on Friday. “Laboratory tests that detect human antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, including rapid immunodiagnostic tests, require further validation to determine their accuracy and reliability.”

“Many countries are currently testing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at the population level or in specific groups (such as healthcare professionals, close contact with known cases, or at home).

“The WHO supports these studies because they are important for understanding the extent of infection and the risk factors associated with them. These studies provide data on the percentage of people with detectable COVID-19 antibodies. People are immune to secondary infections. “

The WHO also warned against considering that the government is considering issuing so-called “immune passports” to people with COVID-19, assuming it is safe to resume normal life. Did.

“At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence for the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to ensure the accuracy of” immune passports “or” risk-free certificates, “WHO said.

WHO later clarified and tweeted its position on the risk of reinfection. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Develop an antibody response that provides some protection.

“What we don’t yet know is the level of protection or how long it lasts.”

At a media briefing last week in Geneva, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, 18,640 cases of coronavirus have been identified in Sweden, with 2,194 deaths to date.

Newsweek I contacted the office of Olofsdotter for further comments.

This article has been updated to include more information on WHO’s position on herd immunity and reinfection.

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