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I knew that the Covid-19 vaccine was working. Now we know more. -Coronavirus facts and fiction

I knew that the Covid-19 vaccine was working. Now we know more. -Coronavirus facts and fiction


Twenty-one days after the first vaccination, the chances of a new Covid-19 infection were reduced by 65%, according to the results of a COVID-19 infection survey coordinated by the University of Oxford, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of Health. Health and social care. It said that the greatest reduction in odds was seen after the second dose.

The numbers appeared to be more promising for the prevention of symptomatological infections. The probability of testing positive and self-reported symptoms was reduced by 90% after the second dose. And vaccination was as effective as young people in the vulnerable age group of 75 and over.

Two studies highlighting the results were posted as preprints on Friday and have not been peer-reviewed. They analyzed 1.6 million test results from nasal and throat swabs taken from more than 373,000 people between December and early April.

“These real-world findings are very promising, and our historic vaccination program across the UK by reducing infections in people of all ages, including those with underlying health conditions. It shows that it has a great influence on

However, experts continue to take Covid-19 prophylaxis, as some infections are still contagious, especially if many people receive only one dose in a two-dose regimen or are not vaccinated at all. Advise people to do.

You asked. We answered.

Q. Do I need to wear a mask outdoors?

A. The rules for this vary from country to country, and from state to state in the United States. You should generally follow the guidance of where you live. However, some wonder how long the mask should be worn as the weather in the Northern Hemisphere warms.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to wear a mask outdoors in most cases if you’re vaccinated,” said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent. This is because it is known that most viral infections do not occur outdoors.

Current guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes it clear that masks may not be needed externally. “You may not need a mask when you’re away from others or when you’re with your family,” he says. It is recommended to wear it if you are in a crowded area outdoors.

According to a November review of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the probability of viral infection was 18.7 times higher indoors than outdoors, with less than 10% of the Covid-19 infections investigated occurring outdoors. Here are some details to help you make informed choices:
Please send your question here.. Are you a healthcare professional fighting Covid-19? Send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you are facing: + 1347-322-0415.

What’s important today

Countries are restricting flights as India’s Covid crisis worsens

Just six weeks ago, the Indian Minister of Health declared the country “late” in the Covid-19 pandemic. On Friday, India reported 332,730 new cases, the world’s highest number of new cases per day for the second consecutive day since the pandemic began.

The second wave of India has devastated communities and hospitals across the country. Intensive care unit beds, medicine, oxygen, ventilators, etc. are all lacking. Corpses are piled up in the morgue and crematorium, Written by Jessie Yeung, Manveena Suri and Swati Gupta.

And other countries are slowly moving away from Indians. United Arab Emirates, Australia and New Zealand all have restrictions on flights arriving from India. Australia even limits the number of its own citizens who can return from the country.

Germany’s “emergency braking” law blocking almost the entire country

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government will exercise newly discovered powers to implement “emergency braking” (or blockades) in most parts of the country starting Saturday. Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Friday.. Only municipalities with low infection rates avoid countermeasures.

The blockade is only two days after the German Senate rubber-stamps a controversial new law that ends patchwork, state-by-state approaches to deal with pandemics and empowers the country to impose the blockade for the first time. It is done. ..

The law allows the government to impose a curfew between 10 pm and 5 am, as well as individuals registering more than 100 cases per 100,000 residents per week in all regions. Restricts gatherings, sports, and store openings. When the virus incidence exceeds 165 per 100,000 inhabitants, the school will be closed and returned to online lessons.

WHO cites rare blood clots as a side effect of AstraZeneca’s vaccine

The World Health Organization (WHO) joined health regulators in the United Kingdom and Europe on Thursday to update its guidance to include the risk of severe thrombosis as a rare potential side effect of people taking shots.But the organization says The benefits of vaccines still outweigh the risks.

The WHO Expert Advisory Group on Immunization has acknowledged reports from the United Kingdom and the European Union of a rare condition called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).

According to UK guidance, the risk of TTS is estimated to be about 4 per million, or 1 in 250,000, compared to about 1 in 100,000 in the European Union, more. The group states that data collection is taking place. Analysis was needed. The UK has advised people under the age of 30 to provide alternative vaccines, and data now show that the risk is higher than the benefits of that age group. Some other European countries do not use shots for people under the age of 50 or 60.

On our radar

Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth (center) will speak at a press conference after the passage of the Covid-19 Hate Climb Act at the US Capitol on Thursday.
  • Senate passed the bill Condemn discrimination against Asian communities Create a new position in the United States and in the Justice Department to facilitate reviews of potential Covid-19-related hate crimes.
  • Celebrated by Israeli music promoter Shuki Weiss. “Each show we announced in the last 14 days sold out in 4 to 5 hours,” Israel reports. Only 100 Covid-19 infections per day..
  • Russia has detected a new variant in the country, Includes Siberian mutation, And as well as what it calls a “northwest variant,” the Russian state media reported.
  • Mexican authorities are trying Crack down on the sale of fake Covid-19 vaccine After Pfizer stated that it had identified counterfeit shots with its name not only in Poland but also in the country.
  • Iraq’s fifth legislator, Adnan al-Assadi, has died of Covid-19 complications since the beginning of the pandemic, after domestic regulations have been relaxed.

Today’s podcast

“Mask work and test work. Contact tracing work. There were 507 people here who could manage by just testing, quarantining, and contact tracing.” — Filmmaker and actor Tyler Perry.

Perry won the Honorary Academy Award this weekend, so today’s podcast revisits a conversation between CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Perry about the quarantine bubble he set up in his studio in Atlanta last summer. To do.They talk about how Perry built the bubble, succeeded in resuming production without a positive Covid-19 case on the set, and what his internal experience was. Masu.. Listen now..


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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