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Pregnant at COVID-19


Being a pregnant woman or a new mom is as wonderful as it gets your nerves. It is a very disturbing time in your life and full of many fears and uncertainties. Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, one can imagine how anxious pregnant women and new moms must feel in these unprecedented times.

As a mother myself and a physiotherapist who works with many mothers, I decided to get some answers from Dr. Theophilus Nelson, a senior resident of obstetrics and gynecology at West Indian University Hospital. .

KH: What are some of the changes that have been made at university hospitals to protect pregnant women?
Dr. Nelson: There are many changes in the daily operation as well as the physical structure. In order to facilitate this requirement, normal patient numbers had to be adjusted in accordance with regulations set by the Department of Health, which could accommodate up to 10 people in a confined space. Patients who are at high risk and need frequent medical attention will be called in advance to inform them when to be hospitalized.

For low-risk patients, increase the time they are seen, similar to how to limit the exposure of pregnant women who must come to the hospital. We also use a triage system to ensure our customers’ care is not compromised. There is a system that allows you to call the prenatal clinic. We recommend that you call before you actually call. So the medical team can decide if they need to worry, give advice or be relieved over the phone.

We also make extensive use of telemedicine. We do our best not to compromise on care, but at the same time keep patients safe during this uncertain time.

KH: Why are pregnant women in COVID-19 vulnerable groups?
Dr. Nelson: COVID-19 is called the new coronavirus. This is because I have never been exposed to such a coronavirus strain. For pregnant women considered in vulnerable groups, women must make many adaptations in their body to accommodate the baby. A baby in its purest sense can be considered foreign to the female body. To allow the body to respond to what is considered a foreign body, the immune system is weakened, preventing the body from rejecting the baby.

Therefore, basically, the natural reaction during pregnancy is to weaken the immune system and help maintain a pregnancy. Weakened immunity makes women more susceptible to infections such as viruses. However, one of the most important things to note is that, based on the information we currently have, healthy pregnant women are not at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 than the normal healthy population. Is that. Therefore, this consideration of pregnant women in this vulnerable group really deviates from our full attention and our general knowledge of pregnancy.

KH: Can the mother have her spouse in the room at birth?
Dr. Nelson: Every agency has its own policy and some governing bodies make their own recommendations. These agencies allow partners to generally be present based on certain guidelines if both partners are not infected. Infected partners and mothers are required to have their partners present, provided they are wearing suitable protective equipment, but may not be the same locally.

Healthcare providers are unable to provide personal protective equipment to their partners as they must keep personal protective equipment available to their healthcare professionals. So from a resource perspective, it can be difficult.

KH: What about a mother who wants to avoid these settings altogether, for fear of being exposed to the virus in hospitals and clinics?
Dr. Nelson: This is a particularly legitimate concern, especially if you are encouraged to stay at home, but there are certain checks that need to be done at the clinic that require pregnant women to continue their prenatal visits. However, to reassure the patient, I repeat some of the policies in place to protect the patient.

There is a process that begins with a specific question and a phone screen to see if the patient has any possible symptoms or possible exposure to the virus before being called in for an appointment. Before people are allowed to enter the hospital grounds, their temperature is checked with an infrared thermometer.

To limit the possibility of a mixture of symptomatic and non-symptomatic patients, we can do triage of patients coming to the clinic. If an individual has symptoms, it’s a good idea to call ahead and plan ahead so you know exactly where you are going and can manage it properly.

KH: What can pregnant women do to reduce anxiety?
Dr. Nelson: The uncertainty associated with the virus is a time of great concern to even our doctors, but there are some things we recommend. In addition to taking the general precautions recommended by the Ministry of Health, practice at a social distance, limit the number of people around you, and maintain good hand hygiene. Mental health care is also important. It is not recommended to always provide COVID-19 related information. Instead, choose a specific time to read the updates. This is the same advice given to us (doctors) to protect our mental health.

The truth is that the majority of the population will be fine. Most people infected with COVID-19 show mild flu-like symptoms, recovering quickly in a few days and recovering as before. We need to take advantage of this fact and rest assured that we are not always immersed in COVID-19 related news.

KH: What number should she call if a pregnant woman has symptoms?
Dr. Nelson: A pregnant woman suspected of having a coronavirus now undergoes the same process as other members of society-it calls the 888-ONE-LOVE hotline, where she is properly advised. Is that. If she is a patient in a college hospital, there is a remote triage system that can make phone calls. The number is 876-541-1043-4.

Next Week: Part 2 — Newborns and COVID-19.

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