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US Coronavirus: By mid-May there may be more vaccines than anyone who wants one. That’s why this is a big problem.

US Coronavirus: By mid-May there may be more vaccines than anyone who wants one. That’s why this is a big problem.


“Facebook conducts daily surveys and examines its data daily, indicating that vaccine confidence in the United States has been slowly but steadily declining since February.” , Institute for Health Metrics, University of Washington

IHME has announced that by August 1, approximately 602,723 Americans will die of the coronavirus, according to the latest forecast. Last week’s estimate killed at least 618,000 people.

The IHME said increased vaccination and reduced seasonality were sufficient to stop the increase in deaths, but warned that he was hesitant.

“Given how important central vaccination is to the US strategy to control the potential surge in B.1.1.7, the reliability of vaccines deployed over the past two months has been slow. That decline is a source of concern, “said IHME.

The United States has the opportunity to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, but experts say it faces major challenges.

According to CDC data, the 7-day average for newly administered Covid-19 continued to decline on Friday, falling below 3 million for the second straight day.

Already, the military has seen a steady decline in dose surpluses and the rate at which they are used.

“Young people may feel less vulnerable to COVID, and we’ve heard anecdotally that the risk of getting vaccinated is probably higher than getting sick, but of course that’s not true. We know, “said Acting Asst. Secretary of Defense Terry Adilim at this week’s press conference.

However, concerns about one of the vaccines are also believed to have increased hesitation.

After suspending management on Friday Johnson & Johnson Vaccine While investigating six rare cases of blood coagulation syndrome among women who received it, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration recommended resuming its use.

J & J suspends the need for vaccine education

But to address concerns, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said organizations are even more urged to educate the general public about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

“I think we have to give clinicians a special outreach-as we did last week, we already have plans to start it with public health authorities on Monday-and we meet. We have to give patients special outreach in order to educate them, the people who are where they are. “

“Overall, I think this pause actually told us that we’re taking all these needles into a pile of hay that we seriously found-we actually looked up and we saw. We are scrutinizing the data we have. “

CDC, FDA suspend use of J & amp; J & # 39; coronavirus vaccine and add safety warning

According to a CDC analysis, resuming J & J vaccines could result in at most dozens of rare blood clots and save hundreds of lives.

Dr. Sara Oliver of the CDC referred to a rare thrombosis known as thrombosis-thrombocytopenia syndrome: “When everyone resumes vaccination for at least 18 years, 26-45 TTS, depending on vaccine intake. Cases are expected. ” However, Covid-19 will prevent 600 to 1,400 deaths and 3,500 ICU admissions.

Meanwhile, the Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines are not associated with blood clots, experts at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.

Studies show how to reduce infections in children

Vaccines remain unavailable to children, but new studies suggest that school tests and adult vaccinations may reduce infections in children.

So far, vaccines have not been granted to people under the age of 16, but a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA Network Open quickly identified and contacted children who were being tracked and Covid. -19 Shown to identify “silent infections”. Presymptomatic or asymptomatic, combined with vaccination of 40-60% of adults, can significantly reduce the amount of illness.

The United States immunizes millions of Americans every day.But here's why Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are on the rise

In another scenario where silent infections remain undetected, researchers need an immunization rate of 81% in addition to 40% of adults whose children are vaccinated to achieve similar infection rates. I presumed that there was.

As more students return to the classroom, this study provides a roadmap to continue reducing the spread of the virus, even before children qualify for shots.

CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated

Data on the safety of vaccination of pregnant women and babies were limited because clinical trials of vaccines against coronavirus did not include pregnant women. However, Walenksy recommended that pregnant people be vaccinated on Friday.

The CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine

Her comments follow a new study that found that there were no safety concerns and no baby safety concerns among the large number of pregnant people vaccinated late in pregnancy.

“Therefore, the CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine,” Walensky said in a White House briefing. “We know this is a very personal decision. I work with their doctors or primary care providers to help people decide what is best for them and their babies. I encourage you to speak. “

On Wednesday, the New England Journal of Medicine released preliminary findings from CDC scientists who determined that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and Moderna would not pose a serious risk during pregnancy. ..

Another study, published last month in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine was effective in pregnant and lactating women and could pass protective antibodies to newborns.

CNN’s Jason Hanna, Lauren Mascarenhas, Virginia Langmaid, Oren Liebermann, Maggie Fox, Alicia Lee and Christian Sierra contributed to this report.


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