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Hospitalization rates are rising across Canada ICU admission from COVID-19: Tam


The steady increase in COVID-19-related admissions to Ottawa-hospitals and intensive care units continues to have a significant impact on Canada’s healthcare system, despite the overall number of cases beginning to decline. The country’s chief public health officer said on Saturday.

Dr. Teresatum outlined that both hospitalizations and ICU patients increased by more than 20% in a week, and the overall number of infections decreased much more slowly over the same period.

However, Tam noted that vaccination numbers are also increasing, adding that the increasingly common state strategy of inoculating more vulnerable populations provides the cause of hope.

“COVID-19 activity remains elevated, with a higher proportion of cases containing variants of more contagious concerns, but we are cautiously optimistic that our efforts and tightened restrictions are beginning to affect us. I’m doing it, “she said.

According to Tam’s number, an average of 4,167 COVID-19 patients are being treated daily in Canadian hospitals during the week of April 16-22, an increase of 22% over the previous week. This requires an average of 1,268 intensive care units daily, 21% more than last week, she said.

During that same period, the average number of new daily cases decreased by 2.6 percent.

Federal Conservative leader Erin O’Toole joined the partially vaccinated companion on Saturday after receiving the first shot of Oxford-AstraZeneca. He and his wife, Rebecca O’Toole, received the vaccine from a masked and shielded health care worker while sitting in the car.

In a statement, O’Toole said, “We recommend that all Canadians be vaccinated when they qualify. Vaccination protects everyone, puts the economy back on track and restores it. You can bring it back. “

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was vaccinated against AstraZeneca on Friday.

However, even worse news about this shot came from Ontario, reporting a second case of a rare blood clot associated with an AstraZeneca product. Local health officials said a patient in his 60s from the Hamilton area was being treated and hospitalized.

Canada has recorded five rare vaccine-related blood clots, but has received more than 1.1 million AstraZeneca shots so far as part of its national vaccination.

Meanwhile, the Ontario premiere has revived his frequent and recurring call for Ottawa to stop all non-essential trips across the Canadian border. Late Friday, Doug Ford health officials reported 36 confirmed cases of the first detected B.1.617 variant in India.

Ford released a statement on Saturday that it was “extremely concerned” about this latest variant.

“Currently, our ICU’s capabilities have been limited by cross-border British variants late last year,” he said.

Federal Transport Minister Omar Argabra issued a statement on Twitter pointing out his division’s decision to suspend all commercial and private passenger flights from India and Pakistan for 30 days on Thursday.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic rages around the world, Canada has implemented some of the most powerful measures at our borders,” he said. “The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to follow local public health advice.”

Of the 2,277 patients currently in state hospitals, 833 were in intensive care, according to data from the Government of Ontario. The state reported 4,094 new infections and 24 virus-related deaths on Saturday.

Ford has appealed to the Atlantic states to help strengthen the hospital’s capabilities by dispatching qualified health care workers.

But Saturday brought some nasty news to Nova Scotia, the region’s most populous state. Health officials there reported 52 new COVID-19 cases, the first time in a year that the number of cases exceeded 50 per day.

Nova Scotia’s public health authorities said the 44 recently identified cases were in the central region of the state, including Halifax. Prime Minister Ian Rankin announced a one-month “circuit breaker” blockade in the capital and surrounding areas on Thursday.

After the new case number for his state was announced on Saturday, he went to Twitter to encourage people to stay home.

“Halifax: Straight. This is serious,” he tweeted. “Stick on your little circle of contacts. Incidents are on the rise; there is a growing community.”

Currently, 201 COVID-19 activities have been reported in Nova Scotia, and 5 patients have been hospitalized for the disease.

In other Atlantic states, New Brunswick has recorded eight new COVID-19 cases and the state’s 35th death from the disease. Newfoundland and Labrador have reported three new infectious diseases.

In the west, Quebec health officials recorded 1,106 new cases and 13 additional deaths. According to state health officials, hospitalizations have decreased by 22 to 662, and the number of people in the intensive care unit has increased by 9 to 181.

In Nunavut, Dr. Michael Patterson, Chief Public Health Officer, announced two COVID-19 cases at Rankin Inlet, a town of about 3,000 people on the west coast of Hudson Bay. Mr Patterson said the incident was related to an outbreak in the territorial capital, Iqaluit, and the two involved arrived in the community by plane on Friday.

There are currently 41 reported COVID-19 infections in the Nunavut Territory.

Health officials in Manitoba have recorded 276 new COVID-19 infections, and Saskatchewan has added 286 to the total.

Alberta currently accounts for nearly 61 percent of the state’s active cases by reporting 1,592 new infections and 5 virus-related deaths and adding variants of concern.

This report by Canadian Press was first published on April 24, 2021.


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