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Doctors using “rescue therapy” treatment to revert abortion drugs said it could be dangerous

Doctors using “rescue therapy” treatment to revert abortion drugs said it could be dangerous


A woman who suddenly changes her mind after taking an abortion drug is looking at controversial treatments to have a baby.

Doctors from the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) have treated 90 women in the UK with “abortion rescue therapy” over the past year, with nearly 50% maintaining pregnancy.

In contrast, CMA states that if a woman follows, the foetation can survive. NHS The advice is only about 25 percent.

However, the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG) has strongly criticized the treatment as being based on inadequate evidence and potentially dangerous.

Treatment includes high doses of the important female hormone progesterone during pregnancy to counteract the blocking effect of the first abortion drug, mifepristone.

Doctors from the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) have treated 90 women in the UK with “abortion rescue therapy” over the past year, with nearly 50% maintaining pregnancy (file photo).

Last night, Dr. Dermot Kearney, president of CMA, who leads the service, claimed that the service was safe and helped save the lives of the foetation. He said more and more women are contacting them as a result of the NHS “Pills by Post” service conducted during the pandemic.

Dr. Kearney said: ‘Since April last year, 141 women have contacted the abortion rescue program, 90 of whom have started progesterone treatment to reverse the lethal effects of the first abortion drug, mifepristone. Of the 73 who continued treatment, 38 were able to maintain their pregnancy. The success rate is about 50%.

“So far, 10 women have given birth to healthy babies, but 28 are still pregnant.”

NHS’s advice for women who regret taking mifepristone is to observe and wait for what happens without taking a second pill called “expected management.” I said there is. However, he claimed that only about one in four women who follow this guidance maintain pregnancy.

Dr. Kearney claims that the CMA scrutinized the evidence before launching the service, but critics say the data comes from the US pro-life group, which is a favorable result of the “cherry pick.” ing.

An RCOG spokesman said: ‘There is little evidence that treatment with progesterone reverses abortion, and what this is doing provides women with the false sense of security that this is a possible option. ‘

Last year, researchers at the University of California stopped testing the effects of taking progesterone after mifepristone because of safety concerns. The team warned that “there is a high risk of serious bleeding.”

The RCOG said the study showed that this method was “resulting in danger to women.”

But Dr. Kearney said that massive bleeding was a recognized side effect of mifepristone, and three of the UK’s patients needed blood transfusions for bleeding, but so far deaths and other serious complications. Said there was no.

The NHS England said that in rare cases where a woman does not take a second abortion drug, there is an 8-40% chance that she will continue to have a pregnancy.

A spokeswoman added: “There is not enough evidence to suggest that progesterone does what is claimed in these situations.”

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