Oregon reports 780 new COVID-19 cases, one new death
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Oregon reported one new COVID-19-related death on Sunday, increasing the state’s death toll to 2,485.
The Oregon Department of Health also reported 780 new confirmed putative cases of COVID-19, bringing the state to a total of 180,700.
Vaccination in Oregon
OHA reported that 33,721 COVID-19 vaccinations have been added to the state’s vaccination registry. Of this total, 25,099 doses were given on April 24, and 8,622 were given the day before, but were enrolled in the vaccine registry on April 24.
Currently, the 7-day moving average is 34,852 times per day.
In Oregon, Pfizer’s first and second doses total 1,476,008, Moderna’s first and second doses 1,229,881, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine single doses 92,058.
To date, 1,731,015 doses of Pfizer, 1,454,400 doses of Modena, and 215,000 doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine have been distributed to sites throughout Oregon.
COVID-19 hospitalized
There are 291 patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon, four fewer than Saturday. Since Saturday, there are 66 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit.
Incident and death
The newly confirmed estimated COVID-19 cases reported today are Baker (2), Benton (8), Craccamus (89), Kratosop (1), Colombia (8), Couse (3), Crook (15). Located in the county. ), Deschutes (85), Douglas (4), Grant (27), Hood River (2), Jackson (15), Jefferson (1), Josephine (10), Klamath (37), Lake (1), Lane ( 36), Lincoln (6), Lynn (31), Malfur (1), Marion (111), Morrow (2), Multnomah (169), Pork (8), Tillamook (2), Union (1), Wasco (1) 3), Washington (81) and Yamhill (21).
- The 2,485th death in Oregon was a 95-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on April 21 and died at the Asantesley Rivers Medical Center on April 24. The existence of the underlying condition has been confirmed.
Washington, Oregon, Allows Continued Use of Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
Healthcare providers in Oregon can continue to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as long as they can ensure that the patient or their caregiver is informed of the benefits and risks in their native language.
The Oregon Department of Health published its guidance this weekend after a safety review. According to the Oregon public broadcaster, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration lifted the suspension of vaccination on Friday, saying the risk of blood clots is very low.
The Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup states that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is “generally safe and effective, with educational materials for patients and providers that are culturally and linguistically relevant in plain language to support informed decision making. We have found that once it becomes available, it is guaranteed to resume its use. “
Currently, the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine stored at the Oregon vaccination site has been administered more than 100,000 times.
— Salem Statesman Journal
Lane County has reported most cases since February 2, with no new deaths
Lane County Public Health reported 86 confirmed or estimated new COVID-19 cases on Saturday. This is the largest number of cases per day since February 2nd.
This will increase the number of cases across the county to 12,024. 373 were considered infectious, an increase of 7% from 348 on Saturday.
Despite the surge in the number of cases, the number of deaths remained at 144 for 19 consecutive days. As of Friday, 97,382 inhabitants have been fully vaccinated, accounting for 25.7% of Lane County’s population. More than half of the adult population receives at least the first dose.
Lane County may return to “extreme risk” and close indoor dining
Oregon Governor Kate Brown said Friday that 12 counties, including Lane, were at risk of returning to the “extreme risk” category.
This means that restaurants and bars need to close indoor dining, and gyms and indoor entertainment spaces need to significantly reduce capacity.
Twelve counties are already subject to “extreme risk,” but the state has changed its metric. The county will not be given “extreme risk” status unless more than 300 COIVD-19 patients occupy beds throughout the state and the average hospital stay for the last 7 days has increased by 15%.
As of Thursday, 283 people were hospitalized with COVID-19, and officials said they expect that number to increase to 300 by early next week.
According to Jason Davis, a spokesman for the Lane County Public Health Department, more than 200 cases per 100,000 people must occur in 14 days for a Lane-sized county to be at extreme risk. ..
“The number of cases per 100,000 is 270,” Davis said. “Therefore, we expect to be one of the counties at extreme risk.”
He added that the county has contacted local businesses to warn of possible changes that may occur soon.
Oregon is at the bottom of the state in terms of per capita cases throughout most of the pandemic. Now it’s in the middle of the pack.
However, according to Brown, the COVID-19 epidemic is currently the second most advanced in the country.
Over 1,000 new cases were reported in Oregon on Friday, the highest since January 16th.
Four changes you need to know when Lane County returns to “high risk”
Lane County will return to COVID-19’s “high risk” on Friday. This means more capacity and time limits for restaurants and businesses.
From April 23 to May 6, there are 23 counties in “high risk”, 3 counties in “medium risk” and 10 counties in “low risk”. The county risk level is reassigned every two weeks.
Here are some major changes you need to be aware of:
1. Restaurant capacity
The restaurant was able to accommodate patrons indoors with 50% capacity, and the table was allowed up to 8 people. Currently, the capacity is limited to 25% and the table is limited to 6 people. The store closes at midnight and is currently at 11:00 pm. Outdoor dining was limited to 300 people, but is now limited to 75 people.
2. Gym capacity
The recreation and fitness center was allowed 50% occupancy indoors. Currently, the capacity is 25% or a total of 50 people, whichever is smaller. The outdoor capacity was limited to 300, but the facility’s outdoor capacity is now up to 15%.
3. Worship ability
Churches, mosques, synagogues, funeral homes, morgues, graveyards and other religious facilities had only 75% indoor capacity under low-risk protocols, but now only 25% or a total of 150 people, whichever is smaller. Cannot be accommodated. The outdoor capacity ranges from 300 to 200 people.
4. Save capacity
Indoor and outdoor shopping centers, malls and retail stores were allowed up to 75% occupancy than any other business, but now have to revert to 50% of their maximum capacity.
Some do not change. State-wide mask mandates apply regardless of the risk level of the county. Health officials recommend limiting meetings to small groups, at least 6 feet away from people outside the family, washing hands frequently, and staying home when ill.
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