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Studies show that throat spray, an oral drug used for malaria arthritis, helps reduce the spread of COVID-19-Edexlive.


Throat sprays and oral medications, which are commonly prescribed for the treatment of malaria and arthritis, have been shown to effectively reduce the spread of malaria. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) In a high-transmission environment, Singapore researchers discovered, according to media reports on Sunday.

Channel News Asia released its findings based on a large clinical trial of more than 3,000 migrant workers living in the Tuas South Dormitory in Singapore’s industrial area last May. During the 6-week study period, workers were given povidone iodine throat spray, which can be purchased at the counter, and oral hydroxychloroquine, which requires a prescription. Studies have shown that both reduce the incidence of coronavirus infections. ?? This is the first study to demonstrate the effectiveness of prophylactic or prophylactic treatment with oral sprays of hydroxychloroquine or povidone iodine. SARS-CoV-2 Infection between isolated individuals living in a closed, high-exposure environment, said Raymond Sheet, associate professor at the National University Hospital (NUH), the lead author of clinical research.

Two drugs were chosen because they are readily available, Dr. Seet said. He also said they protect the throat, which is the “important entry” of the virus. He presented his research at the National University Health System, accompanied by collaborators Professor Paul Tambia, Associate Professor Michael Hartman, Associate Professor Alex Cook, and Associate Professor Amy Queck.

The findings are published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. A total of 3,037 asymptomatic healthy men between the ages of 21 and 60 participated in the study voluntarily. Participants were excluded if they had symptoms of respiratory illness such as fever, cough, or loss of odor one month before the start of the study. It does not include people who were previously infected with COVID-19. The dormitory was registered in May last year as “the number of (COVID-19) is slowly but steadily increasing,” Dr. Sheet said.

It was opened to dormitory students in countries such as India, Bangladesh, China and Myanmar.Translator explained Research protocol, Emphasize the voluntary rationale for participation. Povidone iodine throat spray had to be used 3 times a day. Six weeks later, more than half of the participants tested positive for COVID-19. However, only 46 percent of those who used throat sprays got sick.

This is compared to 49% of people who took hydroxychloroquine and 70% who took vitamin C. We concluded that povidone iodine throat spray was associated with a statistically significant reduction in infection, with an absolute risk of a 24% reduction. Oral hydroxychloroquine was associated with a statistically significant reduction in infection with an absolute risk of 21% reduction, but the ?? channel quoted Dr. Seed as saying.

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This is after adjustments to “potential confounding factors” such as nationality and medication compliance. “Is this a very simple intervention with virtually minimal side effects and can it actually reduce transmission in a meaningful way ?? Dr. Hartmann said. Drugs are other in high-risk situations. It can complement the precautionary measures, including cruise ships, prisons, refugee camps, meat processing facilities, etc., and additional measures to prevent the spread may be urgently needed. “

Professor Tambyah gave an example of an outbreak in a nursing home. “It’s not what we totally recommend. If there is an outbreak, it’s definitely worth considering,” he said. Researchers emphasized that these drugs are not intended to be used for COVID-19 prophylaxis in the general public if it is a low-risk setting. According to Johns Hopkins University, the coronavirus has killed 30 people and confirmed 60,966 cases in Singapore so far.



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