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Deployment of COVID vaccine irritates vulnerable Australians in priority groups


Any Australian over the age of 50 will be vaccinated with COVID from May 3rd, but many vulnerable Australians are still vaccinated despite being in the priority group. I’m dissatisfied with not having it.

Margaret Ruff’s son Raymond, 45, had meningitis as a child and is now mentally retarded and unable to speak. He also suffers from hemiplegia and epilepsy.

He lives with four other residents and their caregivers in a disability care home in North Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne, but Mrs. Ruff has been vaccinated by everyone, including staff. Said not.

“I’m going to point it in the right direction. Which country will inject their politicians when people with disabilities and the staff caring for them don’t have them yet?” She Said.

“I hate it. I have morality, ethics, and I can’t believe people are ignoring Ray.”

Raff’s mother was infected with COVID at a geriatric care facility during the second wave in Melbourne. Her mother has survived and is currently vaccinated, but Raff said her son could not be relieved until he was vaccinated.

“I was absolutely afraid because I knew my mom was really ill, and I was afraid I might lose my son while all this was happening,” she said. I was sick.

Vaccines for the disabled sector will increase

Man sees another man at committee hearing
Professor Brendan Murphy states that the original purpose was to vaccinate elderly caregivers and people with disabilities at the same time.(((

ABC News: Nick Hagarty


At a Senate committee hearing on COVID-19 last week, health ministry officials confirmed that only 6.5% of residents of disability care were vaccinated.

Residents and workers of disability care, along with the elderly care sector and front-line medical and border workers, are considered priority vaccination groups under a federal deployment strategy.

The department’s secretary, Brendan Murphy, told the Commission that the sector was prioritized because the risk of death in the event of another COVID outbreak was greater for elderly care residents.

“We originally intended to do disability and elderly care together, but the complexity of elderly care had to prioritize protecting the group at the same time as trying to initiate the disability. It meant, “he said.

Professor Murphy said vaccinations in the disabled sector will increase this week.

“The plan is to complete all Phase 1 vulnerable people by mid-year, but that doesn’t mean that 1A failure is not a priority,” he said.

The government also announced Vaccinations for the general public over the age of 50 will begin on May 3..

Ms. Ruff said she was speaking to ensure that authorities maintained their commitment to persons with disabilities while the wider deployment was underway.

“I’m absolutely fed up, but I’m not surprised at all. Most residents of geriatric care facilities have no advocates,” she said.

“I would like to treat everyone in the disabled home, including staff, with respect and get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Jane Halton, chairman of the Infectious Disease Control Union and former Secretary of Health, upheld the government’s decision to prioritize older people in long-term care.

“Why they [authorities] Based on epidemiology, he made that decision and it was wise. “

“I think you need to remember that you can actually do two things at the same time. The 1A priority population is absolutely important, but especially for people with disabilities, the game needs to be enhanced. . “

Epidemiologist Tony Blakey of the University of Melbourne agreed that while the decision is difficult, authorities should put the elderly first.

“The elderly care department includes older people who are much more likely to die,” he said.

“People with disabilities are more likely to die than people of the same age without disabilities, but on average they are not very old.

“It’s all average and trying to get the vaccine to the most effective place. Therefore, the age before the disability is, yes, the right decision.”

The· Latest government figures We have shown that 201,848 residents of elderly and disabled care are vaccinated. This is an increase of 24,328 from the same period last week.

Frustration for rollouts

A woman wearing glasses and a red top.
Jess Kapuscinski Evans is concerned that “the general public is vaccinated at a faster rate” than people with disabilities.(((



Jess Kapsinsky Evans, a quadriplegic who needs the help of a caregiver, runs an arts company in Melbourne that helps artists with disabilities.

Ms. Evans said she was not angry with the priority given to the elderly caring for the elderly.

However, when the 2A phase of the rollout begins on May 3, she is dissatisfied with the soon availability of the vaccine to the general public while many disabled people are still waiting for the jab. I will.

“People in nursing homes were vaccinated earlier than people in disability care. I don’t think it’s a problem in itself. [elderly residents in aged care] We are facing some of the same health and social justice issues that people with disabilities are facing. “

“What I’m more worried about is the fact that perfectly healthy, non-disabled people, and those who aren’t part of the elderly or marginalized communities, have access to the vaccine before those at high risk. is.

“The pandemic has exacerbated and exposed to the various social justice and health problems of the marginalized communities, so the marginalized communities are more vaccinated than the general public. You should give priority to receiving.

“For some reason, the general public seems to be vaccinated at a faster rate.”

Admiral Eric Young, the new operations coordinator for the government’s Vaccine Operations Center, said jabs are on the rise for those at risk.

“Critically last week, vulnerable Australians were vaccinated more than 350,000 times, up from 330,000 last week,” he said.

“Our daily focus is to ensure that all vulnerable Australians are vaccinated as soon as possible.”

“Vaccination of qualified persons with disabilities and workers with disabilities under Phase 1a remains a high priority,” a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

“We are grateful to understand that many people in this group are eager to access the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Vaccination of persons with disabilities in a living environment is a complex logistic operation initiated at a small number of sites in consultation with persons with disabilities, caregivers, and the wider sector.

“This has allowed the government to improve its delivery model for people with disabilities, which is now appropriate and able to meet the needs of people with disabilities.”

Some homes for the elderly still waiting for the vaccine

The elderly are sitting in chairs.
Elderly caregivers in Melbourne’s Cumberland Manor are still waiting for vaccination.(((

ABC News: Andrew Altree-Williams


Florence Estepa manages Cumberland Manor, a home for the elderly in western Melbourne that was hit hard by COVID. Last year, 53 people were infected with the coronavirus and 9 died.

Ms. Estepa said residents and staff are still awaiting vaccination and are surprised that they were not considered a priority given the seriousness of the outbreak in Cumberland Manor last year.

“We were the most hit and vulnerable people. I think we lined up first. [for vaccines], “She said.

“We got consent [for residents to be vaccinated], We have them [vaccination workers] appear. Last week I only knew when they would come on May 12th. “

However, Ms. Estepa states that only residents will be vaccinated, and staff are expected to go to their GP or state-owned vaccination sites throughout Melbourne.

“It’s very frustrating for them because they thought they were forgotten,” she said.

Karen Hollis, a 20-year general service manager at Cumberland Manor, said she was surprised that civilians in their 50s and above would soon be vaccinated while frontline workers were still waiting. It was.

“It seems strange that people who aren’t at the forefront of COVID seem to be vaccinated, and here people who move their hips every day within COVID still have to wait,” she says. I did.

“It doesn’t make much sense.”


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