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COVID-19 infections are skyrocketing in Nepal, supported by Indian mutants


Kathmandu: Nepalese officials have been working to contain the proliferation of COVID-19 cases for fear that thousands of people in the Himalayas have caught more infectious mutants emerging from India.

Nepal, which shares a long porous border with India, reported 3,032 new infections on Sunday. This is the largest daily surge recorded this year. According to government data, the total number of cases has reached 300,119 since the pandemic first struck Nepal, and 3,164 people have died so far.

Krishna Prasad Podel, director of epidemiology and disease management in Nepal, told Reuters that he “detected a mutant in the UK and a double mutant found in India,” experts told Reuters. He added that he was also checking for other mutants.

Nepal launched a vaccination campaign in January, injecting 1.9 million people. All of these were provided by India and China. However, health experts were afraid that continued vaccination would be uncertain as authorities were unable to procure more vaccinations from India and other sources.

More than 90 developing countries, including Nepal, rely on India, home of the Serum Institute, the world’s largest vaccine maker, for doses to protect their population, but India is currently the number one epidemic. As the second wave, we prioritize the needs of our own country. You will be out of control.

“The virus is mutating very rapidly … what started in India has also invaded Nepal,” said public health expert Ravindra Panday, who said that if this trend continues for a week, it will be new. The patient added that he would not be able to find the bed. The hospital was already expanded.

Sandwiched between China and India, Nepal shares a 1,751 km (1,094 mile) border with neighboring India. During the blockade last year, the border was closed for some time when the first wave of the epidemic struck, but then reopened.

After returning from India at a religious festival, former Nepalese king Gyanendra and his wife, who were virus-positive, were being treated in a private facility in Kathmandu.

“The situation is really scary,” said Prakastapa, a doctor at Beri Hospital in Nepalgunj, a city on the southwestern plains bordering India.

He said the hospital was flooded with coronavirus patients who needed intensive care and mechanical ventilation.

“This time even children and adolescents are in jeopardy, and patients are sleeping even on the floor and in the hallways,” he said.

Nepal’s ruling Communist Party has been involved in a power struggle for months, and KP Sharmaoli has been criticized for responding to the crisis.

Foreign Minister Pradeep Gawali told reporters on Sunday that a national blockade was not necessary despite the surge in incidents.

Nepal’s economy shrank for the first time in 40 years last year after several months of blockade to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text.

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