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Prolactin hormones serve as a major cause of breast cancer development, studies find


The hormone prolactin has long been understood to play an important role in breast growth and development during pregnancy and in milk production.

However, a pair of recent studies conducted at the VCU Massey Cancer Center have provided information on the creation of targeted drugs for the treatment of multiple forms of disease, with prolactin also acting as a major cause of breast cancer development. I have found strong evidence that it may give.

Hormones have proteins on the cell surface called receptors that send and receive biological messages and regulate cell function.Through research published in npj breast cancer, Charles Clevenger, MD, Ph.D., researcher at VCU Massey Cancer Center. And his lab discovered a new variant of the prolactin receptor called the human prolactin receptor intermediate isoform (hPRLrI) that directly causes breast cancer.

Researchers have found that this modified version of the prolactin receptor interacts with other forms of the receptor to turn benign breast cancer into malignant breast cancer, and that the presence of hPRLrI in breast cancer cells triple-negative breast cancer, rapid cell regeneration. Observed to be associated with speed and bad results.

“This study challenges the doctrine that prolactin works only for breast cancer and highlights a unique finding that hormones may contribute to breast cancer,” said Carolyn Wingate of Cancer Research. Klevenger, Deputy Director of the Hyde Endowed Course, said. He is responsible for Massey’s Cancer Biology Research Program and chair of the Department of Pathology at VCU School of Medicine. “Understanding how prolactin receptors correlate with breast cancer can help us develop new therapeutics and prognostics for the effective treatment of breast cancer.”

Clevenger supports the argument that these findings may require future approaches to drug design to specifically target hPRLrI, and ultimately inform advanced breast cancer diagnostic applications. He said he could give.

Through another study, published in Endocrinology and prominently featured on the journal’s website as a week-long feature article, Clevenger’s lab found the HDAC6 inhibitor, prolactin.

Clevenger has previously been successful in laboratories that inhibit breast cancer growth by deactivating Stat5, a genetic pathway involved in prolactin production.

In this new study, scientists found that the prolactin regulatory function of Stat5 is doubly dependent on the enzyme histone deacetylase-6 (HDAC6) and the gene HMGN2. They also found that the estrogen receptor (ER), a hormone widely believed to affect the development of breast cancer, interacts highly and almost exclusively with Stat5 at sites where HDAC6 and HMGN2 are also present. Did.

This suggests that both estrogen and prolactin receptors can work together to initiate the development of breast cancer through activation of Stat5. Treatment of ER-positive breast cancer cells with HDAC6 inhibitors significantly prevented tumor progression.

Global analysis of gene expression reaffirms that prolactin is closely associated with breast cancer growth and may be suppressed by treatment with HDAC6 inhibitors... “

Charles Clevenger, MD, PhD, Researcher, VCU Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University

Clevenger has devoted a significant portion of his scientific career to understanding how prolactin affects the growth and progression of breast tumors. In future studies, he plans to further test and develop breast cancer treatments using prolactin as a primary target.


Journal reference:

Gribble, JM, et al.. (2021) The human intermediate prolactin receptor is a protooncogene of the breast. npj breast cancer..


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