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Does Vitamin C Boost Your Immune System?

Does Vitamin C Boost Your Immune System?


Health Benefits of Vitamin C for the Immune System

Are you trying to avoid a winter head cold, or There are many ways your body digests vitamins and minerals to reduce the severity of your seasonal allergies and boost your immune system.

Vitamin C is an essential component of the healthy immune system of people of all ages. It helps the blood produce cells that fight the disease and allows your body to absorb important minerals.

Here’s how vitamin C boosts your immune system and how you can make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C in your diet.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a naturally occurring water-soluble vitamin in some foods.TheĀ· National Institute of Health We recommend 75 to 90 mg of vitamin C daily.

Since the human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, it is necessary to support the immune system by eating foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin C. There are many fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. However, if you don’t like fruits and vegetables, Vitamin C is readily available in supplements.

How does Vitamin C boost the immune system?

Vitamin C as an antioxidant

Various environmental factors can fill our body with harmful molecules known as free radicals. These free radicals prevent your immune system from protecting your body. Antioxidants help kill those free radicals, so your immune system works properly.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that kills free radicals and protects other components of the body such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Promotes the production of white blood cells

Bone marrow helps produce white blood cells that fight diseases and infections. The most important types of white blood cells are phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes kill foreign substances such as viruses, and lymphocytes help produce antibodies.

Vitamin C stimulates the production of these white blood cells and helps them function more effectively. It also protects white blood cells as they flow through the body, repels free radicals, and protects the body from infection.

Collagen is an important part of the bioconnective tissue of our skin. This means that if you have a cut or scar on your skin, you need to rapidly produce collagen in that area so that your body can heal.

Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen in the skin. Low levels of vitamin C make it difficult for the body to produce collagen and slow down the healing process. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant against harmful molecules at the site of injury and is an important element of wound healing.

What are the other health benefits of Vitamin C?

May reduce the risk of cancer

by Mayo Clinic, Evidence suggests that maintaining regular intake of vitamin C can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. This includes some lung, breast and colon cancers.

May reduce cold symptoms

For a long time, doctors have claimed that vitamin C can prevent you from catching a cold. More recent studies have disproved this theory, but there are some ongoing debates as to whether vitamin C reduces the severity of symptoms or the duration of the common cold.

Some studies suggest that increased vitamin C intake may help prevent and reduce risk of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration.

Vitamin C helps the body absorb certain types of iron in the large intestine. In particular, it helps absorb plant-derived iron. This iron plays an important role in the transport of oxygen in the blood. Without Vitamin C, our body would have a hard time absorbing this type of iron.

The best food to eat for vitamin C intake

There are many foods that contain vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables.

Here are some examples of foods that contain vitamin C.

  • Orange
  • lemon
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberry
  • Blackcurrant
  • Acerola cherry
  • mango
  • guava
  • papaya
  • pineapple

  • tomato
  • green pepper
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • potato
  • cauliflower

Many food companies add vitamin C to pre-packaged or canned foods, so be careful with nutrition labeling.

The Best Vitamin C Immune Boosting Supplement

Best Overall Vitamin C Supplement

Nature’s Bounty 1000mg 100 Coated Caplet: Available at Amazon
This natural supplement contains rosehips, which contain high levels of vitamin C. These capsules are large and suitable only for adults. Contains no gluten, artificial sugar or sweeteners.

The best vitamin C supplement for kids

California Gold Nutrition Children’s Liquid Gold Vitamin C: Available at Amazon
It’s not always easy to convince children to take vitamins. If you have a lot of likes and dislikes, it can be even more difficult to ensure that you get all the vitamin C you need. This liquid vitamin C supplement is a great choice for kids as it can be easily added to juices.

The best vitamin C supplement for adults

Available in Natural Factor Vitamin C, Sustained Release, 1,000 mg: iHerb
This supplement guarantees the maximum effect of vitamin C throughout the body by gradually releasing vitamin C into the system over 8 hours. It also contains bioflavonoids that maximize absorption and help fight free radicals.

The best vitamin C supplement for pregnancy

Fairhaven Health Peapod Prenatal Multivitamin Supplements: Available at iHerb
This prenatal supplement contains 100% of the recommended daily vitamin C intake during pregnancy. Being a multivitamin, it also contains other ingredients that ensure that the body absorbs vitamin C and interacts well with other vitamins and minerals to promote immune function.

Lauren Farrell is a writer for Best Reviews. BestReviews is a product review company with the sole mission of simplifying purchasing decisions and saving time and money.

BestReviews spends thousands of hours researching, analyzing and testing products to recommend the best products for most consumers. BestReviews and its newspaper partners may earn commissions when they purchase products from one of our links.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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