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NSW latest Covid-19 update as of April 28


NSW did not record new cases of locally acquired COVID-19 from 24 hours to 8 pm last night.

By 8:00 pm last night, nine new cases had been acquired abroad, bringing the total number of cases in New South Wales to 5,260 since the pandemic began.

There were 16,635 tests reported at 8 pm last night, for a total of 4,790 the day before.

NSW Health administered 3,485 vaccines from 24 hours to 8 pm last night. The total number of vaccines given by NSW is currently 591,535, with NSW Health 198,492 doses until 8 pm last night and federal providers including GP 393,043 doses until 11:59 pm on Monday, April 26. I will.

Confirmed cases (including interstate residents of medical facilities in New South Wales) 5,260
Death (New South Wales from confirmed cases) 56
Total test conducted 5,623,066
Total vaccinations given in New South Wales 591,535

The three-day blockade of Western Australia has ended, but anyone who has been to a place of concern should continue to quarantine according to NSW Health’s advice.

People arriving from WA to NSW still have to be completed Online tax return Before entering, please make sure you are not attending the venue of concern listed in NSW Health website.. Those who attend the venue for close contact at the appropriate time should not enter NSW.

If you have been in the Perth or Peel area since April 17th WA Health website Get the latest information on venues of interest on a regular basis. If you are in NSW and have attended any of these venues, immediately self-quarantine and call NSW Health at 1800 943553.

NSW Health was informed that a fragment of the virus that causes COVID-19 was detected in the Allambie Heights sewage system in a sample taken on April 27. This is the second recent detection and the first detection from a sample taken on April 22, 2021. The Allambie Heights Sewerage Network serves approximately 83,400 people in the Northern Head catchment area, Allambie Heights, Balgowlah, Curl Curl, North Curl Curl, North Manly, Freshwater, Collaroy, Collaroy Plateau, Narrabeen, Wheeler Heights, Oxford Falls. , Dee Why, Cromer, Beacon Hill, Narrabeen, Brookvale, French Forest.

These positive sewage results may indicate the presence of people who have recently recovered from COVID-19. After recovery, the virus fragments may continue to shed for several weeks.

However, NSW Health is concerned that it may inform the community of undetected cases, sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, taste and smell, or headache to people in these areas. If symptoms occur, immediately quarantine and be tested and remain quarantined until negative results are obtained.

NSW Health treats 104 COVID-19 cases, one of which is in the intensive care unit and ECMO. Most (96%) are treated with non-acute out-of-hospital care, including travelers returning to special health facilities.

There are over 300 COVID-19 inspection sites throughout NSW. To find your nearest clinic, please visit: COVID-19 Inspection Clinic Or contact your family doctor.

Probably the cause of COVID-19 cases confirmed by NSW

overseas 9 53 3,076
Interstate highway 0 0 90
Get Local – Link to Known Cases or Clusters 0 0 1,644
Get Local – No Links to Known Cases or Clusters 0 0 450
Obtained locally – investigation in progress 0 0 0
Under initial investigation 0 0 0
total 9 53 5,260

Note: The number of cases reported on a particular day may change over time due to ongoing investigations and case reviews.

* Notification from 8:00 pm on April 26, 2021 to 8:00 pm on April 27, 2021

** From 8:00 pm on April 21, 2021 to 8:00 pm on April 27, 2021

Travelers who have ever returned to hotel quarantine

Tested symptomatological travelers 12,380
Turned out to be positive 250
Asymptomatic travelers screened on day 2 98,462
Turned out to be positive 626
Asymptomatic travelers screened on day 10 79,623
Turned out to be positive 182
Asymptomatic travelers were screened on day 12 * 30,384
Turned out to be positive 31

* Tests that were previously run on day 10 are now running on day 12.

Latest information on COVID-19 vaccination

First dose 2,519 133,582
Second dose 966 64,910

* You will be notified from 8:00 pm on April 26, 2021 to 8:00 pm on April 27, 2021.

Note: NSW Health vaccination clinics typically operate from Monday to Friday. As a result, weekends and public holidays are scheduled to be closed and vaccination may be restricted or not given at all.

Today’s press conference will be uploaded to Our website..

/ Public release. This material is from the original organization and may be of a particular point in time, edited for clarity, style, and length.Fully visible Here..


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