Scientists encourage the use of roll-ons as deodorants and cleaning sprays are the largest sources of smog contaminants
Scientists say cleaning and deodorant sprays are overtaking cars and urging people to use roll-ons instead, as the number one cause of smog chemical contamination.
Home-use products are the UK’s largest single source of chemicals known as “volatile organic compounds” (VOCs), causing smog that is harmful to human health and damaging crops and plants. I will.
A new treatise scholar at the University of York warned that increasing population and global wealth could increase the worldwide use of aerosols and boost pollution.
VOCs replaced the much more harmful CFCs in aerosols in the 1980s after the ozone layer was banned, but scientists now say that increasing levels of use in the modern world are causing air quality. It says it poses a new threat.
VOCs combine with another pollutant, nitrogen oxides, to form surface ozone in the presence of sunlight, causing smog.
They are also an important cause of indoor air pollution, It has health effects such as irritation to the eyes and lungs. Some are carcinogenic, such as benzene and formaldehyde.
VOCs such as propane and butane are commonly used as propellants in spray products such as deodorants.
Co-author Professor Alastair Lewis, director of the National Center for Atmospheric Science, said: ..
“”Make minor changes to what you buy It can have a significant impact on both outdoor and indoor air quality, with a relatively small impact on our lives.
“The widespread switching of aerosol propellants to non-VOC alternatives will lead to potentially significant reductions in surface ozone.”
From the 1990s to the early 2000s, gasoline vehicles were the largest source of VOCs, but technologies such as catalytic converters that reduce tailpipe emissions have reduced the level.
According to official figures, in the UK, 6.1% of all VOC emissions in 2017 are due to aerosols, which is twice the level emitted by gasoline vehicles.
Road transport released 855,000 tonnes of VOCs in 1990 and decreased to 30,000 tonnes in 2019. Overall solvents make up about 40% of the UK’s total emissions, most of which come from homes. The single largest component is from personal care products.
In developed countries, each person uses an average of 10 aerosol products each year, according to Professor Lewis.
Today, the world’s population uses more than 25 billion cans of disposable aerosols annually, producing more than 1.3 million tons of VOC air pollution each year.
This is expected to increase to 2.2 million tonnes by 2050. Solvent and other manufacturing regulations have also mitigated the impact, leaving consumer products containing solvents in aerosols and paints as the largest source.
“The decision to replace the most damaging ones with the slightly more damaging ones was made with the world in the 1980s in mind. Of course, the big difference is the number of wealthy consumers in the world in the 1980s. Was much less. Today. “
Paints sold in the UK are labeled with high, medium or low VOC emissions, but other products do not.
The government’s 2019 air purification strategy has promised to consider the possibility of a “voluntary labeling scheme” for products containing VOCs.
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