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Florida Adds 5,178 Coronavirus Cases, 76 Deaths On Wednesday

Florida Adds 5,178 Coronavirus Cases, 76 Deaths On Wednesday


Florida reported 5,178 coronavirus cases and 76 deaths on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll since the outbreak of the pandemic to 35,722.

Over a year of pandemics, the state has had 2,222,546 infections.

The Florida Department of Health has reported an average of approximately 5,456 infections and 61 deaths per day over the past seven days. It can take up to two weeks for authorities to identify and report coronavirus-related deaths. In other words, the number of deaths added does not necessarily reflect the number of people who died the day before.

Hospitalization: As of Wednesday, a Florida hospital was treating 3,302 patients with COVID-19, including 731 in the Tampa Bay area.

The Ministry of Health reported 254 new hospitalizations on Wednesday. This includes 65 local hospitalizations.

Approximately 20% of hospital beds and 19% of adult intensive care unit beds were available throughout the state. In Tampa Bay, about 19% of hospital beds and 15% of adult ICU beds were open.

Positive: According to Johns Hopkins University, the positive rate in Florida was about 9 percent on Wednesday.

According to the World Health Organization, the state must maintain a positive rate of 5% or less for at least two weeks before resuming. A positive rate of 5% or less indicates that the test is widespread enough to capture mild, asymptomatic, and negative cases.

The District of Columbia and 27 states currently have a positive rate of less than 5%.

City number: Tampa Bay added 1,076 cases and 15 deaths on Wednesday.

Hillsborough County added 12 deaths, Pinellas reported two, and Polk County added one. Hernando has removed two deaths from that number. That is, the death was not related to the coronavirus, or the person who died was not a resident. There were no new deaths in the Pasco, Manatees and Citrus counties.

The latest counts are 134,284 and 1,715 for Hillsboro, 78,420 and 1,621 for Pinellas, 67,107 and 1,315 for Pork, 37,900 and 672 for Manatees, 40,434 and 747 for Pasco, and 13,640 for Hernando. .. And 464 deaths, and Citrus has 10,931 cases and 442 deaths.

Is Florida’s Coronavirus Outbreak Still Increasing?


Florida Coronavirus: Find the latest number for your county, city, or zip code.

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A tribute to the Floridians taken by the coronavirus: They were parents and retirees, police officers and doctors, imperfect but deeply loved.

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