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UCI Health Partners with Anaheim High School to Get Vaccinated Over 16 – Orange County Register

UCI Health Partners with Anaheim High School to Get Vaccinated Over 16 – Orange County Register
UCI Health Partners with Anaheim High School to Get Vaccinated Over 16 – Orange County Register


Obtaining the COVID-19 vaccine was important for the 16-year-old Gillian Albayati. She is a baseball pitcher with summer tournaments and her family wants to see her play. So she, her twin brother, Diego, and their mom, Sylvia, decided to put their shots together.

The three went to the UCI Health Family Health Center in Anaheim on Wednesday, April 27, for the first dose of the vaccine.

According to Sylvia Albayati, the family will be traveling out of state for some of Gillian’s games, so “I wanted that extra layer” for the family.

The Health Clinic has partnered with the Anaheim Union High School District to allow vaccinations for all people over the age of 16 and is now providing vaccinations to older students and their families. (In the United States, the COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of 16 has not yet been approved)

Dr. Jose Mayorga, Secretary-General of the UCI Health Family Health Center, said cooperation with the school district is a natural extension of UCI’s service to the communities in which it has clinics since 1977.

Some of Anaheim, where the students and their families live, said, “The pandemic really hit me. As a doctor, as a member of the community, and as a Latino American, these are for me to treat. A patient who entered medicine. “He said.

From the early days of the pandemic, school officials were aware of a “fair gap in service to our community,” said Carlos Hernandez, director of curriculum and instruction at the Anaheim Union.

The district is trying to fill that gap by providing information about vaccines for those who have questions and options for injections for those who are ready.

For some of the community, it’s a technology gap, whether due to lack of internet access, lack of smartphones, or online booking issues. For others, there is the right and sufficient information about the vaccinations available. According to Hernandez, some families have more practical barriers, such as being unable to leave work to get to a clinic or mass vaccination site. Parents must be accompanied by a person under the age of 17.

As a result, the district has helped immunize families and has hosted more than 40 shot clinics at school over the weekend over the past three months, said Ara Celi Chavez, coordinator of the district’s family and community involvement. Said.

The Anaheim Union has the ability to do that, the staff, and the relationships with students and parents, “it was easy to contact them because we have connections with them,” she said. It was.

For some of the Albayati family, it was a bit convincing to get the vaccine.

“We thought about it, and there was uncertainty when it first came out-and I didn’t have time to do all the research,” said the tax preparation business with about 3,000 customers. Said Sylvia Albayati, who runs the company.

But she had a COVID-19 and she said, “It’s not pretty,” so the family looked up some information. “We came to a conclusion and decided that we were going to achieve it.”

It wasn’t a difficult sale for Gillian. “I always thought it was a good idea,” she said. And when she took a shot on Wednesday, she confirmed that it wasn’t on her pitching arm.

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