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COVID-19 Olfaction Loss: Experts say olfactory training can help regain your sense of smell


According to British researchers, people who have lost their sense of smell due to COVID-19 are better off using “smell training” at home than steroids to restore their sense of smell to normal.

Anosmia, Or odor loss, is one of the most common COVID-19 complications, especially in patients with mild acute infections. Most people’s COVID-related anosmia disappears spontaneously in a short period of time without assistance. However, some people are at risk of losing at least part of their sense of smell in the long run.

Duchess of Sussex visits Sussex

(Photo: Daniel Leal-Olivas-WPA Pool / Getty Images)
Chichester, England-October 3: Megan, Duchess of Sussex, when arriving for engagement at Edes House during an official visit to Sussex in Chichester, England on October 3, 2018, when greeting applicants It has a floral scent.

Experts usually recommend some early treatment to avoid persistent anosmia. However, there are no specific guidelines on what works best.

Researchers in the current report Published in the International Forum on Allergy and Nasal Science So far, we have examined the medical evidence available to treat covid-related anosmia.

A study entitled “Systemic Corticosteroids in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) -Related Olfactory Dysfunction: International Views” fears that olfactory training is more desensitizing than steroids. We have found it to be a safer first option for people. It smells forever after covid-19.

Viral infections can damage the olfactory nerves involved in the processing of the sense of smell and the links that connect to the brain. These nerves may be restored or rewired over time to restore function. Smell preparation is expected to work by speeding up this stage-think of it as olfactory nerve physiotherapy.

What is Smell Training?

There are many forms of olfactory training, Fifth Sense said.. However, with basic exercise, the patient needs to collect four distinct and distinct odors and sniff them once or twice a day for a short period of time. These odors can be anything that stands out enough. However, emotionally important or pleasing odors may be more intense.

Roses, eucalyptus, lemon and cloves were the first scents used Olfactory training study Known as the Hummel method. People who practice odor preparation for 4-6 months experience the most important benefits.

Related article: COVID-19: Cells that cause odor loss have been identified

Carl Philpott, a research author and olfactory and taste researcher at the University of East Anglia, said: statement Published by EurekAlert and released by the University this week, Odor Training is a low-cost, easy-to-use, side-effect-free alternative treatment for a variety of causes of odor loss, including COVID-19.

CorticosteroidWorking by reducing inflammation, is one of the few drugs known to reduce the risk of death or exacerbation of illness due to extreme covid-19. Some doctors are wondering if it can also help with covid-related anosmia. However, based on studies of covid-19 and other viral infections known to cause anosmia, researchers could not see any clear benefit from their use in the literature.

“What we found [is] There is little evidence that corticosteroids help with olfactory loss, “Filpot said. “There is advice that corticosteroids are well known for their potential harmful side effects and should not be prescribed as a treatment for post-viral olfactory loss.”

According to Philpott and his colleagues, experts may still consider giving steroids as a treatment for covid-related anosmia in the form of comprehensive clinical trials. They may also be more effective in treating anosmia caused by non-viral inflammation such as chronic sinusitis.

In this case, most people will recover without the help of a failed odor detector.

Fortunately, Philpott said that most people who have lost their odor sensation due to COVID-19 will recover their odor on their own. Studies show that 90% of people have fully restored their sense of smell after 6 months.

Related article: Parosmia: The malodorous effect of COVID-19

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Science Times.


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