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Shift work is likely to increase the risk of COVID-19 infection


The authors of the new study said that shift workers and those who work irregular hours are much more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than those who follow a more traditional work schedule.

A HealthDay More carefully, people working in shifts from 9 am to 5 pm experience clinically, including both long night schedules and work schedules where employees change or rotate shifts, according to the report. It was thought that the chances would be doubled. Detectable COVID-19.

The data included 280,000 participants between the ages of 40 and 69. The authors of the study surveyed UK Biobank participants after excluding the group, including healthcare, based on the uncertain whether he was hospitalized for the virus or underwent regular screening. .. Participants who have undergone a coronavirus test outside of secondary care. Those who have not given a detailed work history to determine the status of shift work.

In their study, investigators write that shift workers are more likely to be tested positive for COVID-19 in hospitals than non-shift workers.

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Science Times-Shift work is likely to increase the risk of COVID-19 infection

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One study found that people who work irregular hours are much more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than those who follow more traditional work schedules.

“Difference in circadian rhythm”

As the study shows Shift work is associated with COVID-19 positivity in inpatientsWas announced in rib cageBoth full-time and irregular shift workers, including workers working in day and night shifts, were more likely than workers who had never experienced a work shift.

Shift work means a schedule of work going out after 7 am and 6 pm. In this new report, hospital workers were associated with the most severe increased risk of COVID-19, but shift work generally produced a strong association with infection rates. This was due to many different reasons.

Specifically, sleep deprivation shares a strong association with the weakened immune system that it depends on. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection)..

Similarly, sleeping at different times interferes with an individual’s circadian rhythm and reduces their ability to fight infection. Such interruptions are therapeutically referred to as “circadian rhythm shifts.”

It is important to note that this study emphasizes the negative consequences associated with shift work for some time. Moreover, not all of these consequences are a direct result of poor sleep habits, but the majority are associated with sleep deprivation or circadian rhythm shifts.

Impact of shift work on health

Conditions such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, and insomnia have been found to be some of the most commonly cited health effects.

by Sleep FoundationShift work sleep disorder is a circadian sleep disorder characterized by sleep problems caused by working long hours or on irregular schedules.

If left untreated, shift work disorders can cause serious health problems. This condition also adversely affects the professional performance of workers and can increase their chances of making mistakes or being involved in an accident in the workplace.

Determining the symptoms of shift work disorders and seeking treatment are essential to the health, safety and well-being of the patient.

Given that COVID-19 can become a so-called “endemic”, it is a disease that regularly exists among certain people or in certain areas, so how to reduce the infection rate by shift work? More extensive research may be needed.

Research conclusions and recommendations

Commenting on their study, the researchers said their findings indicate an increased likelihood of COVID-19 infection in shift workers comparable to known risk factors for the virus.

A similar Ladder As the report specifies, the study authors concluded that shift work was treated as an adaptive risk factor for COVID-19. For wise safety measures in the workplace, for shift workers, increase overtime training and supervision on safety protocols, extend cleaning time or schedule, reduce the number of single shift workers, personal protective equipment or They said it could include the provision of PPE. Shift workers and target early vaccination programs in the fight against COVID-19.

The relevant report is shown in the McFarland Clinic YouTube video below.

Related article: Side effects of COVID-19 vaccine: People report abnormal menstrual periods after injection

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Science Times.


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