China, which is vaccinated more than anywhere else, still needs to speed up
As of April 28, China has given a total of 243.91 million doses, more than the US’s 234.6 million doses.
However, China, with a population of 1.4 billion, is well below the 71.1 dose given in the United States, which has less than a quarter of the population, and administers only 17.4 doses per 100 people.
So far this month, China has averaged about 4.4 million doses per day, and the pace needs to be increased to at least 5 million to reach its end-June target.
Health officials said achieving this would test China’s vaccine production capacity, as some parts of China are already tackling supply shortages. He said supply shortages would ease “from May, especially after June” as production strengthens.
China’s complete reliance on locally developed vaccines promotes national vaccination, as data on its efficacy are inadequate and so far it has shown modest efficacy. It can be complicated.
China has approved five vaccines developed domestically, four of which have an efficacy rate of 50.7% to 83.5% for symptomatological COVID-19 disease, developed by Moderna, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech. Reported to be lower than rival shot measurements.
The fifth Chinese vaccine, developed by the state microbiology research institute, has not yet released efficacy data, and Sinovac is the only vaccine manufacturer to date with detailed data.
“This will be a problem in getting people to fully trust the vaccine,” said Nicholas Thomas, a professor of health and safety at City University of Hong Kong.
Real-world data have shown that some of the Chinese vaccines are effective in preventing symptomatological infections and hospitalizations, but in determining how these vaccines can help reduce infections. Not enough data yet.
Despite record numbers of vaccinations, it is difficult to measure them with actual data, as strict quarantine measures and regular screening tests have largely eliminated local infections in China.
As a result, China will rely on data from countries infected with the coronavirus that are using the vaccine, such as Chile, Brazil, and Indonesia.
“The first country to get vaccination rates up to herd immunity is likely to be open to the world,” said Wu Zunyo, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, earlier this month.
Experts say that many estimates of the inoculation goals needed to achieve herd immunity can be oversimplified in the absence of sufficient scientific data on the ability of the vaccine to cut infections. I’m warning you. In general, they said that using a moderately effective vaccine would require more people to be vaccinated.
Benjamin Cowling, an infectious disease expert at the University of Hong Kong, said that China could need a vaccination rate of about 100% of the population to achieve herd immunity using the vaccines currently available. Estimated to be high.
However, using a vaccine that is more than 90% effective can reduce that percentage to 70-80%, Cowling said.
Chinese researchers have already tested different ways to increase the effectiveness of the product, such as booster shots and combinations of different vaccines, but BioNTech expects the vaccine to be approved in China by July at the latest. I’m out.
Cowling warned that herd immunity does not have to be the ultimate goal of vaccination campaigns.
“We can aim for 100% vaccination, so that everyone is individually protected from serious illness, even if COVID-19 can circulate and cause mild infections. It does not pose a public health threat, “he said. ..
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