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Coronavirus: Ottawa Hospital Refunds Costs to Return Uncle’s Body After Transfer to Toronto Family


Toronto-Ottawa hospital apologized and said it would refund a woman’s family in Toronto Those who have been forced to pay to private companies To bring her uncle’s body home after he was transferred to the hospital and later died of COVID-19.

Montfort Hospital told CTV News Thursday that the situation was “a sad, very unfortunate case of misunderstanding.”

“When I contacted my family after the death of my loved one, the ICU manager asked me to send the invoice I received to the Treasury Department, but there is no doubt that the funeral home charged the family directly,” the hospital said. Stated. on mail.

Montfort Hospital says it has since apologized to the family and asked them to give them an invoice for a “quick refund.”

“We are also reviewing our process, and we will document the information given to our families in the future to avoid such unfortunate situations,” the hospital added.

Jamie Nguyen Earlier told CTV National News Her 72-year-old uncle was being treated at Scarborough General Hospital in Toronto after being infected with the virus.

When his symptoms worsened, Nguyen said the family had no room for him in the ICU and he was taken to Montfort Hospital in Ottawa about 400 kilometers away.

Nguyen said he took his last breath alone in a facility hours away from his loved one and later died there.

“He was alone in a city he didn’t know, it wasn’t home, no one was there for him,” Nguyen said.

CTV News has not identified a man to protect his immediate family, who are concerned about potential anti-Asian backlash.

In addition to the sadness of losing his loved one at COVID-19, Nguyen says the family had a hard time finding a way to return his uncle’s body to Toronto without the help of authorities.

She says her family was given a detour by everyone they spoke to, including Health Canada and Telehealth, Ontario.

In the end, Nguyen said the family had “no other option” than paying $ 1,062 from their pockets for private transportation to return the body to Toronto for the funeral.

A trauma scenario during a question period at Queen’s Park on Thursday, when the Ontario Minister of Health offered her “heartfelt condolences” to Nguyen’s family and said the situation “never happened.” The surrounding situation has also risen.

Minister Christine Elliott said patients and their families would not bear the cost of transportation services to return to their place of residence, “no need to pay in the future.”

She added that hospitals throughout the state would be aware of this.

“I understand they are already paying, but we guarantee they will be refunded and we are now working with the hospital to ensure that, this is the other We will do everything we can to prevent it from happening to anyone, “Eliot said.


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