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Severe COVID-19: How does weight contribute to the risk of getting a virus?


A new Oxford study recently found that people believed to be at the top of their “healthy” body mass index or BMI range were at increased risk of being infected with severe COVID-19.

A Online email The report specifies that a BMI of 18.5 to 25 is considered healthy. However, this new study shows that at all points above 23, the risk of inpatients with severe COVID-19 is increased by 5%. They are also 10% more likely to require intensive care than their slim peers.

However, the risk is greater for younger people, and those between the ages of 20 and 39 are 9% more likely to be trapped in a hospital at all BMI points above 23.

You are 13% more likely to stay in the ICU and 17% more likely to die than if you have a BMI of 23 or less.

Read again: COVID-19 can cause severe brain damage, revealed at autopsy

Science Times-Severe COVID-19: How Does Weight Contribute to the Risk of Being Infected with the Virus?

(Photo: Tania Dimas on AIX)
Previous studies have found that obese people are at increased risk of death from severe COVID-19 and illness.

Obese or overweight

As a result of this new research Association of Body Mass Index and COVID-19 Severity in 6 Million UK People: A Prospective Community-Based Cohort StudyWas announced in Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology Obese and overweight people have suggested that vaccination against COVID-19 should be prioritized rather than continuing the age approach.

In addition, an analysis of the anonymized health records of approximately 7 million people living in the United Kingdom revealed that more than 13,500 COVID-19s in need of hospital care between January 24 and April 30, 2020. The patient has been revealed.

The· Oxford University Researchers compared the patient’s BMI with the fight against COVID-19 and found that the risk of severe infections increased with body weight.

Previous studies have found that obese people are at increased risk of dying from severe COVID-19 and illness, but this is the first study to examine the range of BMI.

As a result, researchers in this previous study found that both age and weight were associated with the risk of illness. This association has been shown to be more pronounced in younger individuals, despite the generally lower number of cases.

Increased BMI, increased risk of severe COVID-19

The lead author of this study, Dr. Carmen Piernas of the University of Oxford’s Primary Care Science Department, found that their study was associated with a greater risk of COVID-19 complications, even with very little weight gain. As the BMI increases, the aforementioned risks increase sharply.

Dr. Piernas has shown risks associated with overweight in people under the age of 40, but added that weight has little or no effect on the probability of developing severe COVID-19 after age 80.

Research results suggest that vaccination policies should prioritize obese people, especially now that the COVID-19 vaccine has been deployed to young people.

In addition, the risk associated with high BMI points was greater for blacks than for whites, and no evidence was found that the risks of other ethnic groups differed from those of the whites.

Weight loss effect

Paul Aveyard, a professor at the Government of Oxford’s Nafield Primary Care Health Sciences, who co-led the study, said he was not yet aware that weight loss could affect the reduction of particularly serious risks. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) result.

But he added that it is likely and will certainly bring other health benefits. “Weight loss is difficult, and recent NHS investments to enhance access to weight management programs may help reduce the severity of the virus at the population level. Diabetes and other There is also a risk of cancer.

The authors also explained that their research has various limitations. This includes an analysis of the impact of BMI.

Nevertheless, if the authors of the study did not include BMI measurements that were more than a year old at the beginning of the study period, the results did not change.

The relevant report is shown in the Mayo Clinic YouTube video below.

Related article: Side effects of COVID-19 vaccine: People report abnormal menstrual periods after injection

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Science Times.


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