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Brazilian activists showcase fake body bags representing the dead as the country comes to pass 400,000 dead second


Activists placed 400 corpse plastic bags in memory of more than 400,000 COVID-19 dead at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“400,000 people have died? Who is responsible and an accomplice?” Rio de Janeiro, the non-governmental organization that launched the demonstration, said. Facebook Translated by the contributor Google.. “Every hour, theatricalization is done by protesters, symbolizing the burial of those who would have been saved if the Brazilian public authorities had not acted with such negligence and incompetence. “

Each of the 400 fake body bogs wore the Brazilian flag, and demonstrators said, “Of those who would have been saved if Brazilian public authorities did not act with such negligence and incompetence. We put a plastic bag on the beach for a performance that symbolized burial, “said a Facebook post.

The demonstration took place just one day after Brazil became the second country to officially reach more than 400,000 COVID-19 deaths. Associated Press report. Some experts believe that the number is even underestimated, given that many cases were not tested early in the pandemic.

Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana beach activist puts on an iconic body bag, digs a mock grave, pays homage to the 400,000 coronavirus dead in the United States, and protests the official response to a pandemic during the event. Did.
Budamendes / Getty Images

Brazil’s healthcare system is no longer at stake, but recovery is modest as countries in the Southern Hemisphere are heading for winter. Intensive care unit (ICU) capacity exceeds 90% in only 10 states, a significant decrease from 17 states a month ago, according to data from the Fiocruz Institute of Medicine. AP..

But this is just a decompression of extreme conditions. With less than 2,400 deaths per day in the last two weeks, April is the deadliest month to date. AP report.

“In all Brazilian states, more drastic measures need to be taken to contain the virus,” said Domingos Alves, an adjunct professor of social medicine at the University of São Paulo. AP.. “The number of cases is very high and we are not doing anything to contain the virus.”

Additional security measures may be needed, but the government has not yet proven that it can implement an effective national strategy to combat the pandemic. According to the country, vaccine deployment was very slow, with less than 7% of Brazilians being fully vaccinated. NPR.. And Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro He continues to blame the COVID-19 restrictions, saying “I’m sorry for all deaths” in a live broadcast on April 29th.

“I pray to God that there is no third wave of the virus,” he said. “But if the blockade policy continues, the country will be dragged into extreme poverty.”

In addition to Friday’s demonstration, accountability is also required within the Brazilian government. As of this week Bolsonaro is under Senate investigation for failing to purchase vaccine after politicizing the pandemic.. An investigation into the Brazilian government’s response began on Tuesday, leading to prosecution and potentially affecting Bolsonaro’s re-election target for 2022. Bolsonaro has denied allegations of fraud in the pandemic response. Condemns wearing a mask and publicly rejects the COVID-19 vaccine.

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–riodepaz (@riodepaz) April 29, 2021

according to twitter The thread Rio de Paz, posted Thursday night, deserves a systematic response as Brazilians are in desperate need of better information. Non-governmental organizations have illustrated the Supera Rio program, which was supposed to provide emergency assistance from the state of Rio de Janeiro. The program was approved in February, but “currently there is no information on how to register for assistance,” the organization wrote.

For these activists, it is up to the government to acknowledge the mistake to the public.

“The federal government has made an unjustified mistake that killed thousands,” Rio de Janeiro President Antonio Carlos Costa said in a tweet translated by Google. “The President of the Republic himself made a mistake in his lack of example and empathy. He acted as if the dangerous virus had not spread nationwide, contaminated, incapacitated, and killed.”

Newsweek I contacted Rio de Paz for additional comments.

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