Malaria could revive thanks to COVID-19 – European Sting-Important news and insights on European politics, economy, diplomacy, business and technology
This article European sting With World Economic Forum.
Author: Harry Kretchmer, Senior Writer, Forming Content
- WV warns that COVID-19 disruption to malaria control programs could double malaria deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Progress in fighting malaria has slowed as mosquitoes and parasites develop resistance to treatment.
- But health officials say there is still an opportunity to avoid death if local leaders continue to take precautions.
The world is focused on addressing the coronavirus, but there are growing warnings to keep an eye on other health threats.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa could double this year, blaming COVID-19.
Malaria may be another lethal consequence of the crisis, as the measles and polio vaccine programs have been postponed for fear of contact spreading the coronavirus.
of WHO considered 9 different scenarios To determine how malaria treatment is interrupted.
In the worst case, all insecticide-treated net campaigns will be suspended, dramatically reducing access to antimalarial drugs. Malaria deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa can reach 769,000.
This is twice the number of deaths reported in the region in 2018. Considering that number, Total malaria deaths worldwide It was 405,000 in 2018.
Malaria deaths have not reached these levels for 20 years.
And Sub-Saharan Africa is at the most risk-where 94% of all deaths from malaria occur in 2018, more than two-thirds of children under the age of five.
What is the World Economic Forum doing about fashion?
Infectious diseases are a major threat to health and the economy. The vast spread of illness can literally destroy society.
At the 2017 Annual Meeting, Coalition for innovation (CEPI) launched-to bring together experts from government, industry, health, academia and civil society to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable access to them in the event of an outbreak .
Our world needs a stronger and more unified response to major health threats. Establishing alliances and coalitions that include expertise, funding and other support, such as CEPI, will collectively address the most pressing global health issues.
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The campaign against malaria is a public health success story for decades. Malaria deaths halved since 2000 And a lot of resources are spent on battles. $ 2.7 billion in 2018.
But even before this latest threat emerged, there has been growing concern in recent years that progress has stagnated and cases have leveled off rather than diminished.
One of the main offenders is a type of mosquito. Development of tolerance To pesticides-mosquito-borne parasites are also beginning to resist drug treatment.
Health officials are now worried that this flattening trend could rise sharply.
These harsh forecasts are not something that WHO emphasizes, nor are they certain. There are windows of opportunity to reduce the likelihood of high mortality.
Although increasing weekly, the number of cases of COVID-19 reported in sub-Saharan Africa is still small compared to other regions.
In South Africa, WHO officials also see signs that containment measures have proven effective against coronaviruses.
Experts are now counseling local leaders to enhance their mass vector campaigns (insecticide treated nets and indoor sprays) in ways that minimize the spread of COVID-19.
At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a prophylactic antimalarial treatment for pregnant women and children. And some countries in the region are commended for taking early preventive action.
WHO is clear. There is no room for self-satisfaction. Retreating from a battle can have disastrous consequences.
“We found that the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa had lost more people than the disease that was previously able to control like malaria.” Matshidiso Moeti, head of WHO in Africa, says.
“Don’t repeat that with Covid-19.”
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