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Overweight mother loses 8.5 stones after fearing Covid would kill her

Overweight mother loses 8.5 stones after fearing Covid would kill her


A mother who “give up” on a diet says her fear of leaving her teenage daughter alone after dying from the coronavirus has spurred her to lose more than eight stones and completely rethink her lifestyle. ..

Jenny Eldred, 43, from Maldon, Essex, responds to the demand to raise her daughter alone, with packaged foods, sweet snacks, and lots of food to help her spend a lot of time working in financial services. I relied on food.

Jenny, who is single and lives with her daughter Faith (18 years old) at the time of the pandemic, is currently an A-level final grade student, dress size 26-28, and merged if she caught Covid-19. I knew that I was at high risk of illness. ..

In March 2020, with a weight of 22st 13lb and a height of 5ft 4in, the BMI (Body Mass Index) used by the NHS to measure healthy weight was 54.8, but the healthy range was 18.5 to 24.9, leading to obesity. It has become. ..

Jenny said: “When the pandemic occurred, I had almost 23 stones. All evidence said the results were bad.

“If I had it, I could have died, and I really believe that the faith would be herself-it was a very powerful moment.”

Until then, Jenny had given up on losing weight.

She states: “I’ve always suffered from weight and have been on a diet throughout my adult life.

“I actually gave up a few years ago and thought,’I’m not worried anymore.'”

“I always knew I was at high risk and thought I might die from a heart attack someday, but I never felt it right away, so I made an effort to improve my health. I concentrated. “

After a year of walking challenges, three weekly zoom workouts, and a diet review (changing front door sandwiches, curries, and chocolates for healthy salads, light stir fries, and fruits), Jenny builds with the help of Noume. And changed fitness. , Diet and nutrition app.

Born in Essex but traveling between the UK, Sweden and Japan for his father’s job at the Ford Motor Company, Jenny first noticed her size and weight at the age of 13 and left her self-conscious. ..

Jenny Eldred on his 40th birthday trip to New York in 2018, before losing weight
(Image: PA Real Life)

“As the years went by, it sneaked up and I was uncomfortable and couldn’t wear what I wanted,” she said.

Jenny suffered from a bad mood, believing that her weight was a factor, and started taking antidepressants at the age of 18.

Over the years, she continued to gain weight, losing six stones from the 15th to the 9th in 1999, but quickly regaining them.

In 2003, at the age of 25, she became a mother and gave birth to faith.

Throughout her daughter’s childhood, Jenny, who has maintained a friendly relationship with Faith’s father, has continued to gain weight.

And in 2018, when she was almost 21 years old, doctors told her she had prediabetes because of her weight.

Jenny Eldred on her birthday in March 2021 after weight loss
(Image: PA Real Life)

But even this did not trigger Jenny to overhaul her lifestyle.

She states: I remember wondering, “Is there a heart attack or something terrible before I take it seriously?”

After trying to follow a weight plan in a half-hearted way and going nowhere, Jenny just gave up the hope of becoming slim.

“I remember doing all this and thinking I wouldn’t lose anything. I would never be able to do that,” she confessed.

Instead, Jenny focused on her work and often spent a lot of time late at her desk.

She admits: “While cinema-like activities revolve around foods like popcorn and sweets, I didn’t exercise at all and often took a nap on the weekends.”

Jenny continued. “During the week, I drove 10 miles to work and walked to the lift.

“I used to go for a walk at lunch, but most of the time I stayed at my desk and worked long hours with lunch.”

Jenny Eldred painted in March 2021 after losing weight
(Image: PA Real Life)

By early 2020, Jenny’s weight had reached a record high of 22 pounds and 13 pounds.

That February, just before Covid attacked, Jenny started a new job. Commuting included a walk at both ends to the station.

And a few weeks later, when the blockade struck, she vowed to start working from home and spend more time trying to walk more. Before work, I went for a walk in the morning and took a day off for a walk at night.

“I had to go to my London office just before the blockade of the country. I remember not feeling safe,” she recalled the moment she realized the danger of the virus.

She added: “I told Faith that I would continue my walk to be a little healthier.”

Two weeks before the blockade began, Jenny saw Noom’s online ad and saw and applied for a weight loss program that used psychology to help people learn to eat carefully.

Jenny said: “They send me articles about setting fruits aside every day, so I eat light meals on top of it instead of chocolate.”

Jenny goes on to say: “They talk about exercise, but it doesn’t stick in your throat. They just encourage you to move more. I find it very positive and holistic.

“And they let you weigh yourself every day when you start, so you notice that your weight fluctuates naturally.”

Jenny Eldred painted on a trip to New York in 2013 before she lost weight
(Image: PA Real Life)

Jenny has launched a program to divide her daily calorie allowance into red, yellow, and green foods, and instead of unhealthy red options such as sugar and fat, healthier green options such as fruits and vegetables. I urged you to increase. Her daily walk.

“At first, I thought I couldn’t keep up with it the more I tried it,” she said.

But gradually, Jenny began to find the program easier, admitting that she now “eats little bread” that she couldn’t imagine giving up before.

Weighing daily and weekly, weighing your body at your waist, hips, and bust, and using your Fitbit watch to monitor your steps, you can track your progress and gain more control.

Jenny Eldred after losing weight in March 2021
(Image: PA Real Life)

“I knew I was making progress, but I didn’t want to jinx, so I didn’t tell anyone until I lost about four stones,” she said.

A big breakthrough moment came when Jenny completed the 1 million step challenge in the summer of 2020. That is, she had to take about 11,000 to 12,000 steps per day for three months.

In her fitness building, she started training at home and successfully completed a six-week exercise program.

A year after her efforts, she now exercises almost daily and zooms in for weights, cardio, yoga, or Pilates three times a week. I often walk for an hour every day with my sister Jill, 39. 3 miles in the woods near her house.

Finally, on Monday, April 19, 2021, Jenny lost an incredible eight-half stone and reached a milestone weight of 14st 7lb.

Fitting clothes of sizes 16-18 and confident enough to wear colors and bold prints, she felt great.

Jenny said: “It’s not just clothing sizes, but it’s great to move from XL to L. This gives you more choices.”

Jenny, who uses Noom every day to get going, feels completely different about her body.

She states: I’m strengthening myself-I’ve never felt better about my body than I am now. It’s really rewarding. “

Best of all, in November 2020 she discovered that she had reversed her pre-diabetic condition thanks to her new healthy lifestyle. If you can lose weight, you may even be removed from the screening list within a year.

Now Jenny has added swimming and swimming classes to her fitness system – and plans to stay healthy.

“I’m still changing my shape,” she said.

Jenny Eldred and her daughter Face, Jenny’s birthday, March 2021
(Image: PA Real Life)

She continued. “I definitely want to continue, probably size 12, and lose a little more until I’m comfortable.

“A year ago, I never imagined-size 20 would have been great.”

Responses to her new look from friends and family also helped her succeed. A friend wept with joy at Jenny’s achievements.

She is also excited to set a better example for her daughter. “Faith is really happy, and sometimes I even take a walk.

“She is pleased that we are eating healthier as a family.”

Jenny’s transformation even prompted her to think of new relationships in the future.

Jenny Eldred took a photo after weight loss in October 2020
(Image: PA Real Life)

She states: “Dating isn’t a big priority, but now it’s more comfortable and confident.”

She also dreams of traveling more in the future.

“I’m thinking about holidays, and leaving now I feel this is different, you can’t believe it,” she admitted.

“I went to New York for the 40th time a few years ago and it was great, but I want to come back now. I want to have more fun.”

Jenny Eldred, shot in December 2020 by her Nan, Francis, now 101 years old
(Image: PA Real Life)

But once the blockade is lifted, she is most looking forward to a proper hug with 101-year-old Nanfransis, both vaccinated.

Jenny said: “What I’m most looking forward to is being able to hug my Nan. She’s one of my favorite people in the world.”

And she is also determined to pay attention to her Nan’s advice on her diet.

She smiled. “Nan was impressed, but he said,” Don’t put everything back like you used to. You had to lose it. ” “


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