Does COVID-19 affect your menstrual cycle?
Infected teacher Lina Kanna (renamed) COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) In August 2020, the menstruation of that month was not in time. However, the problem persisted and she is now regularly delayed in her menstruation, coupled with “abnormal coagulation.” “Now my period is usually more than 10 days late,” she said. Similarly, student Muskan Arora had a period of menstruation that had just tested positive for respiratory infections. “I already had a fever and was weak, so my period was very painful with an irregular flow. However, after a positive Covid test, the flow was intense on the first day and on the second day. There was almost no flow in the body, and the third day was the heaviest. This is different from the normal cycle where the flow occurs frequently in the first two days, and it becomes lighter on top of that, “she says. After recovering, he added, “I didn’t have my period the following month.”
The same was shared when neuroscientist Dr. Sumaiya Shaikh asked a woman on Twitter about her post-covid menstrual cycle, remembering her own experience. “The onset of menstruation not only caused a longer, less motivated, less energetic stage (severe depression), but it was the length + amount of menstruation that I really started to notice. The outbreak of blood clots lasted for days, “she shared on Twitter.
TW & Thread: COVID-19, Menstruation and Depression
Gynecologists, obstetricians, women who recovered from COVID-19:
(Or Covid-19’s enthusiastic beaner)
Woman, how was your menstrual cycle after COVID-19 recovery? Want to know what happened?
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-Dr. Smyer Sheikh (@Neurophysik) July 8, 2020
Emphasize the method mental health And the problems related to women’s physiology are “quiet because we should smoke it and move on,” she said. Initially, I couldn’t even link it to Covid-19, “she shared.
Irregular menstruation during the course of infection, irregular cycles after recovery, spotting, high flow, and unusually long periods are some of the problems women have reported in relation to their menstrual cycle. Pandemic..
Menstrual delays and irregular flows are often associated with stress and anxiety. Is that the reason? “Stress is directly related to women’s menstrual patterns. It is very related to estrogen, uneven cycles, pain during menstruation, mood swings, unnecessary fatigue, etc. Therefore, women do so. It’s not surprising to complain about an experience, and women are forced to manage their household affairs and affairs together, and many women can’t get help at home. Stress that occurs in a mood environment can have a significant impact on a woman’s overall health, including menstrual patterns, “said Dr. Renugupta, Senior Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant at the Sri Barrage Action Medical Institute. ..
Dr. Anubha Singh, Gynecologist and IVF Specialist at Shantah Fertility Center, said: Stress also causes hormonal imbalances and even PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) in women. If you’ve been on the border of PCOS all the time, this stress caused by a pandemic can push you to the other side. “
Dr. Sheikh agreed that it could be a stress-induced transient change, but “thrombogenic / massive bleeding was seen in post-covid people.” “Covid affects many organs in the body, such as the intestines, kidneys, and arterial walls that affect blood pressure, so in women, inflammation in the body causes swelling of blood vessels and no blood release. There isn’t much research on the menstrual cycle in general, and so far, Covid and the menstrual cycle haven’t been studied, so it’s not clear yet, “says Dr. Sheikh.
Dr. Shobha Gupta, Medical Director of Mothers Rap IVF Center, said: “
“Since the pandemic began, women have shared menstrual irregularities, whether or not they are infected with Covid 19. Nevertheless, many psychiatrists and psychologists have had this problem. We have our own discussion about the issue of doubling in women. We live in stress and depression, “she said.
Doctor Vaishali However, Joshi, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Mukesh Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, said the Covid infection “does not affect the menstrual cycle or flow.” “Viral diseases usually do not affect menstruation or hormones unless they are severe or severe,” she said.
So what are the possible reasons for the “significant” change in duration?
Arora, who was supposed to start her period two days ago, accuses “anxiety and malaise, no exercise” of “a major hormonal imbalance in my body.”
“Because your whole body is coping with the pressure of Covid infection and is in the recovery stage, you can very well expect it to interfere with your cycle as well. Stress is the leptin hormone It can increase the insulin imbalance in the body that causes secretions. Women who previously repeated the cycle within the first 30 days can now delay the cycle by 7-8 days or more. This is called rare menstruation, “said Dr. Shueta Goswami, senior consultant, obstetrician and gynecologist, and in vitro fertilization specialist at JP Hospital and Jiva Fertility Neuda.
Can lack of daily activities such as sleep patterns, diet, and exercise affect your period?
Dr. Joshi believes so. “A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is the most important factor in a woman’s health. Weight-supporting exercise strengthens bones, keeps weight down, and eliminates hormonal imbalances. I will prevent it, “she said.
Obesity leads to an increase in the lipid profile that affects the menstrual hormone ratio. Even in PCOD, increased fat increases the level of testosterone hormone, which certainly affects the correct proportion of female hormone, Dr. Renu said.
Dr. Singh suggests that “one or two delays or changes in menstruation should not cause much anxiety,” but women are advised to consult a gynecologist.
“It’s common to tell your doctor that you have had menstrual irregularities. They may want to perform some tests such as anemia, fertility, and blood cell count to check for thyroid disorders. “Hmm,” she said.
So what should you do? Experts say that one important factor in reducing stress levels is to be in line with the fact that the current situation is out of the reach of anyone, and working on your own is really the best way to deal with it. It is recommended to use this method. Make a fixed daily routine, eat healthy food, sleep on time, and be as happy as possible. Don’t stress unnecessarily. With help, don’t panic.
Dr. Renu suggested the following tips:
*Positive outlook — The situation is tough, but we are all supposed to fight back. It’s okay to be mentally affected by a pandemic, but you also need to maintain your mental sanity. Maintain a mental health prime related to overall well-being.
*meditation — Schedule your meditation. Take some peaceful time from your schedule to calm your mind. It helps to rejuvenate the mind. Pranayama, breathing exercises are useful.
*Nutrition — Pay close attention to nutrition. Avoid unhealthy diets. Undernourishment can lead to anemia and affect bleeding patterns during menstruation. Eat foods rich in iron and calcium.
*motion — A sedentary lifestyle already somehow restricts body movements, so you need to balance it with exercise. There are exercises that can be done in a limited room. Jogging stationary in front of an open window. Choose some yoga poses under the proper supervision of a professional.
*E-consultation — Many of us are fortunate to have an internet connection and the gadgets we need at home. Therefore, make the most of it for your health. If you are already suffering from a serious illness, contact your doctor via the online platform.
“Never ignore the uneven menstrual cycle. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, stains, unnecessary malaise, or abnormal delays in your period, consult your doctor and give the prescribed treatment without delay. Get started, “she said.
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