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The study’s co-authors say that a planned caesarean section may be less risky for some mothers and babies.

The study’s co-authors say that a planned caesarean section may be less risky for some mothers and babies.


A planned caesarean section is safe for low-risk deliveries and has the potential for both mother and baby complications compared to vaginal deliveries, according to a co-author of a study published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. It may be related to low sex.

Still, perinatal specialist Dr. Darin El Charles said women need to talk to their doctors about what’s best for them, planning how the health of babies born in this way differs. Their vaginal-born counterparts sought further research on the long-term effects of caesarean delivery.

According to El-Chaar, the study compared the results of the requested caesarean section and found that about 60% of mothers and their babies were better.

Researchers analyzed Ontario’s birth registration data for 422,210 low-risk pregnancies from 2012 to 2018 and found that 46,533 babies were born by caesarean section. They focused on 1,827 cases involving women who requested pre-procedures, or nearly 4 percent.

Next, we looked for 10 common problems that could result from delivery and childbirth, such as rupture of the uterus, pelvic floor laceration, and whether the newborn was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit due to problems such as dyspnea. It was.

El-Chaar, an associate scientist at Ottawa Hospital, said:

She said multiple factors, including medical history, could influence someone’s decision to choose a Caesarean section.

The study found that women who opted for cesarean delivery were Caucasian, over 35 years of age, and more likely to live in high-income areas. They were also likely to become pregnant by in vitro fertilization and give birth to their first baby.

It’s unclear how many women are requesting this procedure elsewhere in Canada, as Ontario is considered to be the only state to have a birth certificate containing information about an upcoming Caesarean section. ..

El-Chaar requested a caesarean section to reduce the risk of complications from vaginal childbirth in some of her older patients, but fear of childbirth is one of the most common reasons for seeking this procedure. Said that.

“As a doctor, I don’t think women who are very afraid of what delivery is and pain can really infer the process of vaginal delivery,” Elchar said. “Women are often afraid of it. In their first pregnancy, but when you talk to them, they take prenatal classes, so they are accustomed to the idea and they are more comfortable with it. “

“Some patients have experienced traumatic sexual assault, and they are just worried about delivery,” she added. “These are very rare.”

Caesarean delivery carries its own risks, including infection, blood clots, pain, and long recovery periods.

However, older women at increased risk of vaginal birth complications may medically require a scheduled caesarean section if they have certain conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or arthritis, El- Chaar said.

She added that abnormal fetal heart rate is the most common reason for cesarean delivery.

According to the World Health Organization, the ideal rate for Caesarean section is 10 to 15 percent.

According to data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, nearly 30% of deliveries in Canada were by Caesarean section from 2019 to 2020. British Columbia has the highest rate at nearly 38% and the Northwest Territories has the lowest rate at 19%. Cent. Ontario was the closest to the national average.

British Columbia recently launched an online interactive program to help women decide how they want to give birth after a previous Caesarean section.

Sara Manro, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of British Columbia, who led the research and development of the project, said the goal was to inform families about the potential benefits and harms of the decisions they made.

“We have put a lot of effort into improving shared decision-making in different parts of the healthcare system, so we provide patients with tools to choose how to give birth and provide healthcare providers. It provides a strategy for conducting those conversations. “

This report by Canadian Press was first published on May 3, 2021.


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