Explanation of the latest statistics on the AstraZeneca vaccine
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As the AstraZeneca vaccine is available to Malaysians who want it, some people have raised concerns about the risk of side effects from the vaccine (spoilers: unlikely or not serious). I’m wondering if it’s worth the risk of getting the virus.
How effective is the vaccine?
In the AstraZeneca trial in the United States, of the 32,449 participants, the efficacy rate for Covid-19 was 76%, compared to 85% for participants aged 65 and over.
Compared to other vaccines, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective, the Sinobac vaccine is 50.4-91.25% effective, and the CanSino BIO vaccine is 65.7% effective.
What is the problem with blood clotting?
Rarely, there are signs of a blood clotting problem called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). These clots are associated with a rare decrease in platelet count.
Platelets help blood clotting, but in the rare cases of clotting associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, platelets appear to be at lower levels.
It has been pointed out that these complications of blood clotting are similar to those caused by heparin, a drug commonly used before surgery to avoid the formation of blood clots.
In this complication, the patient produces antibodies against platelets, causing blood clots and consuming platelets.
Like heparin-induced thrombosis, these TTS clots can be treated with anticoagulants, immunoglobulins, and antibodies that destroy the problematic antibody.
If signs of blood clots and thrombocytopenia are recognized and treated early, doctors can help the patient recover.
Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest and stomach pain, swollen feet and cold feet, severe persistent headaches and blurred vision, and small blood stains under the skin beyond the injection site.
What is the probability of a blood clot?
As a result of examining the data of 190 million AstraZeneca vaccinations compared to the 34 million cases examined by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Global Advisory Board on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) has a causal relationship. We have issued a tentative recommendation that it is plausible but not confirmed.
Both organizations emphasized that the benefits of the vaccine in preventing Covid-19 death and serious illness still outweigh the risks.
A GACVS analysis of more than 190 million doses found that 182 cases of thrombi were reported.
An EMA review of 34 million vaccinations and 86 cases of thrombosis were reported. Women under the age of 60 were affected more often, but more women were vaccinated in this study, which could affect the validity of sexual associations. Said.
UK data as of March 31, 2021 show that there are 79 out of 20.2 million doses and the risk is estimated to be 4 out of 1 million doses.
EU data as of April 21, 2021 show that the risk is estimated at 10 out of 1 million, and their data show that young people are at greater risk. Suggests.
A Word Health Organization report on April 21, 2021 stated that “the reported incidence varies considerably, despite the widespread use of vaccines in countries other than Europe. There are very few cases. “
Risk comparison
Age and health profile
Elderly people and people suffering from underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity are at increased risk of serious COVID-19 infection and death. Given the higher risk profile, vaccines are highly recommended.
Stressed healthcare system
The Ministry of Health of Malaysia recently announced that Malaysia’s healthcare system, especially in Klang Valley, is nearing full capacity due to the surge in the third wave of Covid-19.
With this in mind, it is important that more people be vaccinated to reduce the burden. If infected in the near future, even private hospitals have limited and diminishing health options available.
Risk of “long covid”
“Long Covid” is a phenomenon in which people continue to experience the symptoms of Covid-19 and do not fully recover for weeks or months.
According to UK national statistics, about 10% of Covid-19 patients report symptoms that last for more than 12 weeks.
People with long covids report experiencing various combinations of the following symptoms: malaise, difficulty thinking or concentrating, loss of taste, chest pain, dyspnea or shortness of breath, cough, and fever.
Risk figures
As of May 2, 2021, Klang Valley is fluctuating between low and medium risk.
So what should I do?
Consider the following when making a benefit risk assessment:
- Local case volume
- Individual and group level risks
- Availability of other vaccines
- Alternative options for risk mitigation
- Whether you prefer to risk Covid-19 infection if the number of cases continues to grow while you wait for Phase 3 of vaccination to reach you
It is important to note that the AstraZeneca vaccine was first approved and is given to far more people than any other vaccine.
Rare adverse events are more likely to occur simply because the number of people who receive them is very high.
Check unfounded vigilance, assess risk fairly, and make the best decisions for you and everyone around you.
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