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Vaccine developers believe that instead of jabbing the arm, a nasal Covid spray helps fight the coronavirus pandemic.


Researchers believe that nasal sprays offer several advantages over traditional approaches to vaccination. Therefore, the next-generation Covid-19 vaccine may not require the administration of syringes.

Vaccines currently available are limited and most of them go to high-income countries, including only 16 percent of the world’s population.

In such cases, a nasal Covid shot that can be administered by spraying the solution into the nostrils may appear as a game changer.

Dr. Bill Petri, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Virginia, Gulf news Direct immunization through the nose is very attractive because it can be transmitted after someone has invaded the pathogen through the nose.

When researchers studied the effectiveness of these non-traditional vaccines on animals, they found that nasal sprays effectively reduced the amount of Covid-19 virus.

For nasal drops Canadian company SaNOtizeA clinical trial in the United Kingdom found that coronavirus-infected people could reduce Covid viral load by more than 95% within 24 hours and 99% within 72 hours of treatment.

SaNOtize is currently in talks with several Indian pharmaceutical companies to bring nitric oxide nasal sprays (NONS) to the Indian market.

At the same time, there is accumulating evidence to support the usefulness of nasal vaccines that stimulate a wide range of immune responses against coronavirus.

Lancaster University has collaborated with researchers at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Texas to investigate a nasal spray vaccine against Covid-19.

According to a January report, a Newcastle virus (NDV) -based nasal vaccine shows promising signs of kicking antibodies and T-cell responses that can suppress SARS-CoV-2.

Study author Muhammad MuhammadA virologist at Lancaster University said that administering the vaccine through a nasal spray completely protected the animal from releasing the virus that causes the transmission of the pathogen.

“This means that nasal spray vaccination of the upper respiratory tract can prevent individuals from spreading the virus and developing infections elsewhere in the body,” he added.

If approved, the nasal Covid-19 vaccine will be a low-cost alternative vaccine for developing countries.

Dr. Mohammed Roheim, a member of the Lancaster University team, believes that nasal vaccines are suitable for low- and middle-income countries because of their expandability and economical production.

List of nasal covid vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set a minimum efficacy rate of nasal vaccine for Covid-19 at 50%.

Currently, some researchers are making such vaccines against diseases caused by the coronavirus.

According to WHO, eight research groups, including India, are working on the development of a nasal Covid-19 vaccine. Bharat Biotech BBV154..

According to the Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company that developed Covacin, BBV154 is a new vectorized adenovirus that is an intranasal vaccine for Covid-19.

The vaccine stimulates a wide range of immune responses while neutralizing IgG, mucosal IgA, and T cell responses, the Indian company said.

The vaccine is currently in Phase 1 trials.

This list includes another nasal vaccine developed by the University of Hong Kong, Xiamen University, and Beijing Wangtai Biopharmacy.

Viral vector (non-replicating) based vaccines are currently in Phase II trials.

Other candidates are: Vaccine nasal drops developed by Helsinki University and East Finland University (preclinical study), Virginia University protein subsystem vaccine (preclinical), Lancaster University viral vector nasal vaccine (preclinical), Farmacologicos Veterinarios viral vector (preclinical) ) And SaNOtize R & D Corp’s NONS vaccine.


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