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The era of high-volume COVID-19 vaccination is over


The mass vaccination site has been closed, partly because it no longer requires a visit to get a shot. Pharmacies in particular are stepping up their vaccine campaigns. “I can’t go to the grocery store here in town and see the sign-up,” Todd told me. And neighborhood pharmacies are much more convenient than mass vaccination sites in the middle of town.

Vaccine supply is no longer a bottleneck in many places. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, originally had a vaccine waiting list of 6,000 people. Recently, county health director Gibby Harris was discussing whether to keep the list when he realized, “No, no one is on the list.” Those who were enthusiastic enough to be on the waiting list had already found the vaccine. The county will also abolish the mass vaccination site at the Bojungles Coliseum in Charlotte. At the end of May.. Instead, at events such as motorcycle rallies and food truck festivals, use mobile vaccine clinics to divert staff and resources to road vaccination. “We see that we can go anywhere, anywhere,” she says. The department also has a home program to reach people who cannot physically come to the clinic.

However, in some parts of the country, demand for mass vaccination sites is declining more rapidly than in others. In Orange County, California, I had a lot of plans until last week. Even today, 80% is full, says Regina Chinsio-Kwong, deputy health officer in the county. However, she hopes that mass vaccination sites will be phased out by the fall. By that time, she told me, “More mobile and travel teams will be out.” The county’s mobile team focuses on vaccine fairness. They are already a multi-ethnic community of community agencies (Mecca)and Access to Latin health Vaccine areas that are not well serviced. Helps pharmacies, clinics and clinics fill the gap.

This next phase will be slower and more annoying just because you need to reach people who are hard to reach. Instead of taking thousands of shots at a time, here are 100 or dozens of doses. “We need to adjust our expectations,” says Kirsten Johnson, Commissioner of the Milwaukee Department of Health. Closing the city’s mass vaccination site.. “20 vaccines with weapons in one place are still a victory.”

The role of the primary care physician So far limited In the process of vaccination, but they play an important role in what comes next. For months, vaccine experts have told me that the established trust between patients and doctors is the key to persuading people on the fence to get the vaccine. “The conversation takes place here,” said Saria Saccocio, co-chair of the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force at Prisma Health, a large medical system in South Carolina. Prisma is currently shrinking mass vaccination clinics to focus on vaccination by primary care physicians.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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