Tracking Coronavirus Exposure: How Contact Tracking Works
Contact trace. It is an infectious disease investigation. Learn all about the techniques and techniques used to track people exposed to coronaviruses.
The guests
Andy Slavit, Former administrator of Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers. Podcast Host “In the bubble. “(@ASlavitt)
Kaitlin River, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security epidemiologist. Professor of Environmental Health Engineering at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Co-author ofNational Coronavirus Reaction: Road to Resumption“(@cmyeaton)
Andy Greenberg, WIRED senior writer covering security, privacy and hacker culture. (Azuki)
From the reading list
American Business Association: “Report: National Coronavirus Response: Roadmap for Resumption“—” This report provides a roadmap for navigating the current COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. It outlines specific directions for adapting public health strategies as they can limit the spread of COVID-19 and move to new tools and approaches to prevent further spread of the disease. “
NPR: “Former bureaucracy demands $ 46 billion in tracking to isolate the next coronavirus package“If you want to get back to a more normal state, you need to provide the state with the tools it needs to contain the virus,” said Andy Slavit, a former director of the Obama administration’s Medicare and Medicaid.
Wired: “Does Covid-19 Contact Tracking pose a privacy risk? Your question, answered“—” When Google and Apple announced last week that they would incorporate changes into Android and iOS to enable Bluetooth-based Covid-19 contact tracking, they were exposed to an impending storm of criticism. It was The concept of the Silicon Valley scheme, which monitors yet another metric of our lives, instantly questioned the practicality of the system and its privacy. Now is the time to find the answer. “
NPR: “We asked all 50 states about their contact tracking capabilities. This is what we learned“—” Malachi Stewart works full-time with the Health Department of Washington, D.C. as a contact tracer for COVID-19 responses. D.C. plans to increase its contract tracking workforce in the near future. “
New Yorker: “Can I track COVID-19 and at the same time protect my privacy?“—” Caroline Bucky, a top epidemiologist at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, has devoted himself to the study of malaria and other infectious diseases. When the news of new coronaviruses emerged from China, Bucky said in her specialty: how infections evolve as they move through vulnerable populations, as the virus spreads around the world. I have found it valuable to workers and elected authorities. “
During ~: “Coronavirus is an evolving enemy for vulnerabilities“—” Did you try to understand why you woke up today and are worried about the curve flattening? I called the three most prominent, publicly and trusted scientists to check myself and ask what we were really learning. “
NPR: “How do you contact Trace? Poor countries have lots of advice“—” Contact tracking will be important in the next phase of coronavirus pandemics in the United States, said Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. “
brink: “Google and Apple’s COVID-19 tracking system alone cannot save lives“—” During the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, global health researcher Unryu convinces public health authorities that apps and other technologies may help control the spread of the disease I struggled for it. In order to defeat the outbreak, authorities had to find every person that an Ebola patient could have come across while infected, in a process called contact tracking. Liu and her colleagues wanted the investigators to edit the information using the app instead of pen and paper. At that time it was a tough sell. “
Washington Post: “Contact tracking requires technical and government support. It doesn’t have to mean Big Brother.“—” We understand that we are in war. You can see the carnage. We need to mobilize the economy to overcome illness and achieve pandemic resilience. The next challenge in our fight against the new coronavirus is to significantly scale up testing and contact tracking. “
BBC: “Coronavirus: Targeting 80% of smartphone users with NHS contact tracking appThe “—” contact tracking app helps stop the coronavirus pandemic, but 80% of current smartphone owners need to use it, experts say to the NHS. “
Wired: “Clever encryption protects the privacy of the Covid-19 contact tracking appPrior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, systems that used smartphones to track location and contacts sounded like a nightmare of dystopia’s surveillance. Now it sounds like a nightmare of dystopian surveillance that can save millions of lives and save the world economy. Paradoxical challenge: building its vast tracking system without it becoming a full panopticon. “
slate: “Commentary: No country can be reopened without better contact tracking“—” As Americans enter the second month of coronavirus isolation, experts are thinking about which systems need to be prepared before the restrictions are relaxed. The general consensus is that extensive testing needs to be done and a way to manage the inevitable subsequent occurrences. In some countries, such as Singapore and South Korea, we have rolled out an app that tracks the location of the user and sends a ping if someone recently crossed the path with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. “
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