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This is why mild Covid-19 infections are so unlikely to cause persistent heart damage


Mild Covid-19 infections are very unlikely to cause permanent damage to the structure or function of the heart. Research.. The study was led by researchers at UCL (University College London) and funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and Barts Charity.

Researchers say the results published in JACC Cardiovascular Imaging should reassure the general public as they are associated with the vast majority of people with mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infections. I will.

The study, which enrolled 149 healthcare professionals from the Baht Health and Royal Free London NHS Trust, is the largest and most detailed study to date on mild Covid-19 infections and their long-term effects on the heart. is.

Since severe hospitalized Covid-19 infections are associated with blood clots, heart inflammation, and heart damage, there is concern that mild infections can cause similar complications. However, to date, little information has specifically investigated the effects on the heart of this group of people and after infection.

Researchers identified mild Covid-19 participants from the COVID sortium, a study at three hospitals in London, where healthcare professionals received weekly blood, saliva, and nasal swab samples for 16 weeks. Six months after the mild infection, they analyzed cardiac MRI scans of 74 healthcare workers who previously used mild Covid-19 to examine the structure and function of the heart, of which 75 were previously unhealthy. Compared to a healthy age, gender, and ethnic matching control scan. I was infected.

They found no difference in the size or amount of muscle in the left ventricle (the main chamber of the heart, which is responsible for pumping blood around the body), or the ability to pump blood from the heart. The amount of heart inflammation and scarring, and the elasticity of the aorta, which is important for the easy drainage of blood from the heart, remained the same between the two groups.

Researchers analyzed blood samples and found no difference between the two markers of myocardial damage, troponin and NT-proBNP, six months after mild Covid-19 infection.

Currently, a team of researchers and cardiologists suggest that there is little benefit to screening the hearts of people with mild infections. Studies have shown that people suffering from severe Covid-19, high-risk groups, or ongoing symptoms.

Dr. Thomas Trebel (UCL Institute for Cardiovascular Sciences and Barts Health NHS Trust) said: “It was difficult to figure out how Covid-19 affects the heart, but we are now in a pandemic stage where we can really start. Covid-19 affects our heart and vascular health. To understand the long-term impact.

“We were able to take advantage of the incredible frontline staff who were exposed to the virus last year, showing that the vast majority of people who have used Covid-19 do not appear to be at increased risk. We are pleased. We may develop future heart complications. We now need to pay attention to the long-term effects of the virus on those who are most affected by the disease. “

Dr. Sonya Babnarayan, Associate Medical Director and Cardiologist Consultant at the British Heart Foundation, said: Or no symptoms.

“Through the pandemic, BHF researchers have been investigating the short-term and long-term effects of Covid-19 on the heart and circulatory system. There’s still a lot to do, but for now it’s good. The news is that mild Covid-19 infections do not appear to be associated with persistent heart damage. “

There were minor abnormalities identified by MRI, but these were not found more often in people with mild Covid-19 than in those who never had them. The changes may have been caused by something other than the coronavirus, which may not make a noticeable difference in a person’s health.


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