Give me sunlight: exposure to the sun is essential for good health | Nagpur News
The best time to get in the sun is in the morning (illustration: Rammurti Nerlay)
Nagpur: Working from home, online classes, and voluntary social blockades prevent many families from being exposed to the virus, but they are also very beneficial: they cannot be “exposed” to the sun.
Dr. Sandeep Mogre, PediatricianSaid that not being fully exposed to sunlight was “bad.” “You need sunlight Vitamin D The conversion will occur. Vitamin D, which is synthesized in the skin by the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV), is thought to meet almost 90% of daily needs. It has been suggested that exposure to sunlight for about 15-30 minutes, two or three times a week, is sufficient to produce the amount (vitamin D) needed by the child, “he said.
For strong bones and muscles, vitamin D plays an important role because without vitamin D, it cannot effectively absorb calcium, which is essential for bone health.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sushrut Babhulkar said: This means that you will be exposed to the sun for about 40 minutes, but certain precautions are required. The greatest benefit is when the sun hits the earth at a 30 degree tilt. Therefore, it is suggested that the morning time is optimal. In the relatively hot Nagpur, the exposure time can be between 7am and 9am. ”
Dr. Vinay Nangia, an ophthalmologist and award winner of TOI Nagpur Heroes, said significant sunlight would be beneficial. “It’s good for the eyes and the body. Direct exposure to sunlight is also beneficial to the eyes. If you are deprived of it, you are more likely to have myopia. Yes, everyone has the habit of bathing in the morning sun. “You need to learn,” said Dr. Nangia, who has also been involved in epidemiological research for the past 20 years.
Exposure to direct sunlight may not be impossible, but it can now be a bit of a hassle. Advertising guru and fitness enthusiast Sanjay Arora said: Never miss a walk. Just in case, I wear two masks. People can go to the terrace of the apartment or go out to the garden with great care. That much exposure to the morning and evening sun is enough. ”
But doctors say people shouldn’t get all the medical advice to the limit. Dr. Vikrant Saoji, a dermatologist, said: Prolonged exposure when the skin begins to feel a pinch is bad. Too much exposure can cause problems such as wrinkles, rapid aging, and other skin problems. While our skin adapts to the environment, it is the white-skinned people who need everything, such as sunburn. ”
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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