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Marine health authorities provide pet advice in the face of coronavirus stress


Toms River, NJ—The effects of the new coronavirus outbreak are widespread for humans. But how did it affect our pets?

Ocean County Department of Health officials reminded residents to note how all the turmoil affects our furry companions who are thriving in their daily lives. Authorities also shared facts about what was previously known about the effects of the virus on animals.

The Centers for Disease Control recently detected that the first official case of a pet coronavirus was positive in two cats in New York.

Cats are two separate households in different parts of the state. According to the CDC, one cat is believed to have been infected with the virus from mild or asymptomatic household members or through contact with infected persons outside the home. Other cat owners were positive for COVID-19 before the cat showed signs. Both cats deal with mild breathing problems and are expected to fully recover.

“The CDC tells us that these cases are extremely rare, and that only a very small number of cats and dogs outside the United States are ill after close contact with infected humans,” he said. The Ministry of Health said. The CDC also says that so far there is no evidence that pets can transmit the virus to humans and other animals.

“Public health officials are still learning a lot about this virus every day,” said Daniel Leggenie, a county public health coordinator and health official. “People infected with the COVID-19 virus must be kept isolated from others as well as pet cats and dogs until they can learn how COVID-19 affects animals. not.”

Until further details are available, CDC recommends:

  • Do not allow your pet to come into contact with people outside the house or other animals.
  • If possible, keep the cat indoors to prevent it from interacting with other animals or people.
  • Chain your dog and keep it at least 6 feet from others and animals.
  • Avoid dog parks and public places where many people and dogs gather.

If you have a virus, limit your contact with pets and other animals as you would any other person.

  • If possible, have another household member take care of your pet when you are ill.
  • Avoid contact with pets such as petting, snuggling, kissing or licking, sharing food or bedding.
  • If you need to take care of your pet when you are sick or need to be around the animal, cloth it before and after contact and wash your hands.

For pets living in a healthy home, make sure that all the confusion caused by the outbreak has not changed your daily life and does not cause anxiety, restlessness, confusion, or depression. Please give me.

“Pets tend to be addictive organisms and deviate from their usual routines such as social distance measures, their parents are working from home, or their work schedule is changed, frequent visits For whatever reason they quit the phone or for whatever reason, they must make every effort to keep them healthy, happy, and secure. “

Below is a list of tips that will help pet cats and dogs overcome these uncertain times.

  • Follow routine routines for your pet. Create a specific playtime, such as a morning or lunch break before starting work at home.
  • Follow your regular feeding schedule. If you are forced to stay home, do not change your feeding schedule. When you go back to your normal routine, it’s hard to get back.
  • Keep your pet active. It may be fun to take a traditional walk with your pet, but you can also play with your pet by preparing toys that stimulate your pet’s heart, such as toys that can be packed with snacks and squeaking toys. I can do it. Remember to consider additional calories to keep your pet healthy and healthy.
  • Teach your pet new tricks. Mentally exhausting your dog can help deal with what they are tired of. By tackling basic training commands such as “sitting,” “staying,” and “down,” you can burn your pet’s mental energy and calm it down a bit.
  • Last but not least, remember to spend a good deal of time showing affection and comforting your pet. Remember that pets are part of a family.

The CDC says there is no reason why people should not adopt pets from shelters during outbreaks.

The Southern Ocean County Animal Facility in Manahawkin is open for adoption by appointment, but will be open again at full-time public hours. (Please wait for more information). One of the benefits of adopting it now at home is that you can spend more time training new pets. Please call 609-978-0127 for more information.

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