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Kawasaki Disease: A Rare Inflammatory Syndrome in US Children With Covid-19


UK National Health Service sends alert To the doctor And on Sunday, the Pediatric Intensive Care Society Tweeted To members. Warning for a slight increase in the number of cases in severely ill children with “Toxic shock syndrome and common overlapping features of atypical Kawasaki disease with blood parameters,” some children were Covid-19 positive.
There was also Some reports In Italy and Spain, doctors said.

A team at Stanford Children’s Hospital said he had seen cases. They described a case of a 6-month-old girl who was hospitalized for Kawasaki disease and later diagnosed with a coronavirus.

Kawasaki disease It can cause inflammation of the arterial wall and limit blood flow to the heart. It is usually treatable and most children recover without serious problems, but can be fatal. Number People know What is the cause of Kawasaki disease? However, some studies have pointed to a link between viral and bacterial infections.

The child in this case was initially diagnosed with a viral infection on emergency treatment, the Stanford team said. She was noisy and hot and didn’t eat. She had no cough or congestion. The flu test was negative, and the doctor diagnosed her with a viral infection. She later tested positive for Covid-19.

What is Kawasaki disease? Rare childhood syndromes may be linked to Covid-19

On the second day, she had a fever and an eczema rash. A chest radiograph showed a small white spot in the center of her lungs, so the doctor sent her to the emergency room, the team reported in the Journal Hospital Pediatrics journal.

The baby’s condition appeared to be Kawasaki disease, so she was given the standard treatment of intravenous immunoglobulin and high doses of aspirin. Two weeks after she left the hospital, she is fine with no respiratory symptoms.

The authors of the study said that the coronavirus is new, and Not all symptoms If the children are known, scientists will want to further study the potential links between Kawasaki disease and infectious diseases.
ICU nurse mom covered her daughter with bed sheets to embrace
Dr. Brad SegalThe team working in the lawsuit said the team was surprised when the test tested positive for Covid-19.

“Kawasaki disease itself often precedes respiratory or gastrointestinal illnesses,” said Seagull, who works in pediatric neurology at Stanford Children’s Hospital. “This has been known about Kawasaki disease for quite some time. No one fully understands it, but the model suggests it was caused by a type of immune dysregulation infection.”

Seagull believes he has not seen other cases of Kawasaki disease associated with coronaviruses in his hospital, and believes this is rare if it is a coronavirus-related complication.

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“In this case, I think it’s too early for SARS Covid-19 to see if it’s pathophysiological-specific or if it’s due to another execution of a factory infection,” Segal said. Told.

The team wondered when another group of clinicians would report seeing the same, but he didn’t hear anything until his father emailed him. CNN story About the British warning. “But we don’t see a wave of these incidents,” said Seagull. “So far, if a family with a coronavirus really needs to worry, this is not a family issue.”
by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Most cases of children to date have reported only mild symptoms, 2% of cases In the US, he had a child as of April 2.

“I think this will be a subset of the subset of individuals who develop it,” Seagull said. “This is very unusual to the best of our knowledge.”

CNN’s Jacqueline Howard, Michael Nedelman, Simon Cullen, and Amy Woodyatt contributed to this report


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