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US Coronavirus: Three things one expert hopes will help address the ongoing hesitation of the Covid-19 vaccine


And finally, Swaminasan said some Americans were concerned that the vaccine had not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and was only licensed for emergency use. But Pfizer / BioNTech Announced on friday They have begun applying to the agency for full FDA approval of their vaccine for people over the age of 16-it will be the first Covid-19 vaccine in the United States to be evaluated for full approval. Become.

“What’s the difference between an FDA emergency authorization and a full approval? It’s really time and money,” infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist Dr. Celine Gounder told CNN on Saturday.

“But for some people, full approval from the FDA actually gives them confidence that these vaccines are safe and effective, and they look safe and effective.” She added.

Jeff Seienz, Covid-19 responsive coordinator at the White House, said the FDA “acts as quickly as possible” to evaluate Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine approval without compromising safety standards.

According to the report, more than 151 million Americans (about 45.6% of the US population) have received at least one Covid-19 vaccination. data From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More than 112 million Americans (nearly 34% of the population) are fully vaccinated, according to CDC data.

DC Health's nurse manager will fill the syringe with the J & amp; J Covid-19 vaccine on May 6, 2021 in Washington, DC.

White House Covid leader says the United States “turns the corner”

Zyentz told Jake Tapper on Sunday’s CNN show that the country was “around the corner” in a pandemic, but emphasized the importance of vaccination for all Americans.

He said President Joe Biden had set a goal of vaccination of 70% of adult Americans by July 4.

“Today is 58%, so there is a way in front of us,” he said.

Despite the fatigue of masks, Americans should continue to follow science when it comes to wearing masks indoors and wait for new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before changing their habits, Zyentz said. ..

“We all want to go back to our normal lifestyle. I think we’re on that path, but with the new privilege of staying disciplined, vaccinated and not wearing masks outdoors. Let’s use it. “I’m in a crowded place,” he said.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that the United States is likely to return to normal by the next Mother’s Day if a sufficient number of people are vaccinated with Covid-19.

“I hope the next Mother’s Day will see a dramatic difference from what we’re seeing now,” Forch said in an interview with ABC News. “We believe that we will return to normal as much as possible.”

There are several conditions, said Forch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“We need to ensure that the overwhelming proportion of the population is vaccinated. When that happens, the virus really has nowhere to go,” he said. “It won’t surge. You won’t see the numbers we’re seeing right now.”

US Official: Vaccine Confidence Is Only One Piece Of The Puzzle

For officials across the country More Americans Vaccinated Will Now Have a Difficult Battle, As experts say, the United States has now reached people who are not so keen on taking shots or still have questions.
Immunization rates are already declining. For the first time since early March, a 7-day average of Covid-19 vaccine doses given in the United States Less than 2 million per day, According to the CDC data released on Saturday. But on Sunday, the seven-day average fell by more than two million per day, the CDC said.
The US deploys carrots, pushes to expand access and gets vaccinated holdouts for Covid-19

But confidence in vaccines is only “part of the puzzle” when it comes to the challenges the United States faces in its vaccination efforts, said US surgeon president Dr. Bibek Mercy on Friday at White House Covid- 19 mentioned in the briefing.

“The barriers to vaccination fall into three main categories,” he said. “Vaccine confidence, motivation, access.”

He said local, state and federal efforts are underway and aim to address all three elements.

“I know this year is a difficult year and everyone in our country is required to step up and make big sacrifices,” Mercy said. “I want to make it clear that this pandemic is over. The sooner the vaccination, the sooner the day will come.”

last week Biden announces new goals By July 4, 70% of adults in the United States will receive at least one Covid-19 vaccine. As of Saturday, four states, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Vermont, are already taking it.

J & J suspends “casting shadows” on vaccinations

One factor that may have contributed to vaccination delays We recommend suspending the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. One expert said on Saturday.
The recommendation is Canceled last month Authorities said the label would be updated to warn of the risk of blood clots. Experts have concluded that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh its “known potential risks” and that the vaccine continues to meet “safety, efficacy and quality standards”. Said At the time.
The CDC reports that the side effects of most J & amp; J vaccines are

However, the pause recommendation had its own effect.

“The Johnson & Johnson pause has cast a shadow over the momentum we have gained,” said Dr. Jane Morgan, clinical director of the Piedmont Healthcare Covid Task Force.

According to CDC data, two weeks after the J & J recommended suspension was lifted, the vaccine accounted for a very small percentage of the dose administered in the United States, and the current pace of administration is from the pre-suspension pace. It’s far behind.

In seven days, the J & J vaccine accounted for about 3.5% of the total dose given, according to data released by the CDC on Friday.

Boosters will probably become a reality, experts say

Meanwhile, the CDC is preparing for the need for a seasonal Covid-19 vaccine booster, the chief said Friday.

Studies show that the Covid vaccine can take new coronavirus variants

“We’re investigating boosters to see if they’re needed,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky told actress Jennifer Garner in an Instagram-streamed interview. .. “We want to be prepared if they need it.”

According to Warensky, potential Covid-19 boosters could be delivered in a manner similar to the annual flu vaccine.

“I hope it doesn’t have to be done every season, but I’m prepared to do so,” she added.

A batch of new studies published last week Show how well the Covid-19 vaccine works against the concerns of new variants -And one shows that booster doses can help them work better.

Swaminasan told CNN on Saturday.

CNN’s Virginia Langmaid, Lauren Mascarenhas, Deidre McPhillips, and Naomi Thomas contributed to this report.


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