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Japanese Suga support hits new lows after the emergency is extended


Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has lost the lowest support since taking office in a poll about eight months ago after extending the state of emergency to curb the rise in coronavirus infections.

The· Research Broadcaster JNN released on Monday 40% of respondents He said he supported Mr. Suga, a decrease of 4.4 points from the previous month. When asked if they approved the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, 63% said they did not, an increase of 13 points.

In addition, the Suga administration has defeated plans to host the Olympics in Tokyo from July, fearing that the sporting festival will turn into a Covid-19 superspreading event.Nearly 60% of Yomiuri Shimbun respondents Newspaper poll Over the weekend, he said the game should be cancelled.

Mr. Suga will face the party leader election in September and must hold a general election by the end of October. None of the opposition parties have enough support to defeat his ruling Liberal Democratic Party, but support slides could encourage the party to replace him.

In the meantime, the government has continued to administer millions of virus vaccines, and the rollout will finally begin in earnest this week, months after many other wealthy countries.Japan, the world’s third largest economy, immunizes its population At about the same rate As Myanmar on the verge of civil war.

To date, only 2.4% of Japan’s approximately 126 million people have been vaccinated at least once, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Three-quarters of JNN poll respondents said they do not expect the government to meet its goal of immunizing older people by the end of July.

On Friday, Suga extended the state of emergency in Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, and Kyoto until May 31st. He also added Aichi’s industrial area and southern Fukuoka prefecture in an attempt to stop the Olympic infection within three months.

The expanded measures cover about 40% of the economy and most major urban areas, increasing the risk of causing a double-bottom recession.


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