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Why are you vaccinated?Experts will answer your frequently asked questions

Why are you vaccinated?Experts will answer your frequently asked questions


One of the things people are most worried about right now is when they will be vaccinated. In India, most people understand the importance of vaccines. This is especially true for the following outbreaks of illness: COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) just now.

However, there are also some concerns about how efficient the vaccine is and what happens after a person is inoculated.

Dr. Rajesh Parik, a neuropsychiatrist and author of the first book on vaccines’Vaccine book‘, Answer these and some other such pressing questions. Read.

1. What are the key factors in deciding whether to get vaccinated?
Vaccination means that it works effectively in controlling pandemics in both past and present pandemics, such as smallpox and polio. Pandemic — Countries that have vaccinated more than 50% of the population.

2. What is the effectiveness of the vaccine?
The effectiveness of the vaccine is such that the vaccine provides protection, controls infection, and reduces the incidence of disease under control. The smallpox vaccine, which is 95% effective, has eradicated the disease. The 98% effective oral polio vaccine has almost eliminated polio from the world. So far approved COVID-19 vaccines provide over 70% efficacy.

The effectiveness of a vaccine is its effectiveness and safety in the “real world”. All vaccines approved for COVID-19 are effective.

3. What is involved in determining vaccine safety?
First, vaccine developers need to make sure that the vaccine is not harmful. Correctly referred to as “first in humans,” Phase 1 trials aim to establish drug safety. This ensures that the basic principle of “do no harm first” is sacred. Moreover, safety data is collected through vaccination.

4. What are the side effects of the vaccine?
Vaccine side effects are common but mild. Overall, the side effects feel like the flu and can even affect your ability to carry out daily activities, but they should disappear in a few days. Unless otherwise medically directed, it is important to take a second shot of the vaccine despite the side effects.

5. Do I need to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Okay. Data from the COVID-19 pandemic and past pandemics strongly support vaccination. At this stage, the vaccine is our only hope and its effectiveness is better than expected.

Vaccination, Vaccine, Coronavirus Vaccine, COVID-19 Vaccine, COVID-19 Vaccine Facts, COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ, Vaccination Reasons, Covid Vaccine Benefits, Vaccination and Immunity, FAQ, Health, Pandemic , India Express News I’m not in a hurry, but those who have recently recovered should also be vaccinated. (Photo: PIXTA)

6. Why do I need to be vaccinated when I’ve been fine so far?
Well, not only for yourself, but also for your family, especially the elders. Moreover, you also help humanity by contributing to our cumulative immunity to the virus.

7. After vaccination, can I freely return to my pre-COVID lifestyle?
No. Vaccines reduce the risk of infection, but they cannot be eliminated. Moreover, even if there is no risk of getting infected, there is a risk of getting infected to others. Therefore, COVID-19 precautions should be continued until the pandemic is fully controlled.

8. Should people who have recovered from COVID-19 be vaccinated?
Okay. I’m not in a hurry. It is not known how long the immunity from recovery from COVID-19 will last, but some studies have shown it to last for 6 months. Besides, there is no test of immune status. It is safest to get vaccinated.

9. Do people with comorbidities such as heart disease, diabetes and lung disease need to be vaccinated?
Okay. People with comorbidities are in a high-risk group and need to be vaccinated.

10. How safe is the vaccine for children?
I do not know. All previous clinical trials have been conducted in adults, but some are now being conducted in children. Pfizer began the exam in October 2020 and limited the exam to ages 12 and up. Moderna indicates that the test will begin in children aged 12 to 17 years. During this process, your healthcare professional will determine the dose, interval, and optimal number of doses for your child. This process can take months and children may have to wait until early 2022.

11. Can anyone get Covid-19 from the vaccine?
No. Vaccines use inactivated viruses, parts of the virus, or genes for the virus. None of these can cause Covid-19.

12. When will the immunity be effective?
Approximately 4-6 weeks after the first dose and 10-12 days after the second dose.

13. Does the vaccine affect childbirth?
No. However, the coronavirus does. It is safer to get vaccinated.

14. If you are breastfeeding, is it recommended to get the vaccine?
The Immunization Advisory Board states that breastfeeding women can be vaccinated. It is unknown whether the vaccine will pass through breast milk. Live virus vaccines are given regularly to lactating women.

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